High utility bills? Here's how to save money with a simple nightly routine

Affording the household utility bills can be challenging. Utility bills "eat up" a significant portion of most people's incomes. And not being able to pay the bills is a gnawing fear that many of us have. Given this, you may have asked yourself: how can I save money on my utility bills?
There are ways you can do this and you can start by simply unplugging some devices that are not in use (but which still consume power). Keeping reading to find out more:
What happens during the night?

Ivan Oboleninov/Pexels
Saving on your electricity bill might seem impossible: modern life is filled with electronic gadgets that are "power hungry". But there are ways to make savings, even in this techno-focused world.
Have you ever wondered what happens with household appliances during the night? Most of leave our TVs, PCs and other appliances plugged in. And most of us believe that if an electrical device is turned off (or put on standby), it won't consume energy. Well, this is not true!
Leaving electrical devices plugged in causes "ghost" consumption. Left plugged in, most electrical appliance will continue to use a tiny amount of electricity. Just one socket won't make much difference, but how many appliances do you leave plugged in overnight in your home? Well, unplugging at night can save you money.
What devices should you pay attention to?

It might be a schlep, but overnight unplugging of electrical appliances will reward you in the end. So, let's see what electrical appliances are the most significant "ghost consumers":
- Computers and printers: Usually connected to the same socket, it is best to unplug these devices.
- Cell phone chargers: Even if the phones are not attached, leaving chargers plugged in consumes energy.
- Wi-Fi router: You know those little lights that constantly flash on your router? Well, the bulbs are consuming energy.
- Coffee machine, microwave, kettle: Uplug these appliance immediately after use.
- Table or floor lamps: Although they are low "ghost consumers", plugged in lamps still use small amounts of electricity.
- Multi-socket extension cords: Don't not forget to unplug these cords, especially at night.
Don't think about the devices as singular objects

Individually, the above electrical appliance do not consume much power when plugged in (and turned off). But when you add up all these individual gadgets, the consumption can be signficant, especially over the course of, say, a year or two.
So, don't be lazy and unplug all these devices at night and plug them back in only when necessary. You will make savings on your utility bills and, as a bonus, your home will be safer too!