Place cards for a wedding: 14 great DIY ideas to consider

A wedding day should be special and unforgettable for everyone involved. There are many details to pay attention to to ensure everything goes off according to plan, including finding the right idea to ensure that the table place cards are extra special. Creating beautiful place cards is not just a question of general aesthetics, but also a way to your guests feel special and appreciated. And hand-made place cards are truly unique at conveying this message. Below, you will find some great suggestions and ideas on how to make DIY place cards:
Inspiration from nature: shells

Wedding decorations are generally in-theme and convey an atmosphere you want to create. So, if you're having a seaside wedding (or just want a maritime theme) why not use beautiful sea shells decorated with the names of your guests for place cards?
You can buy real or artificial shells (which are hard to tell from the real thing). Then, you can paint and decorate these shells however you like. Finish off by writing (best in calligraphy) the names of your guest on the shells.

Going for an nature-themed wedding? Then writing the names of your guests on leaves (decorated with a splash of gold) could be the place card solution you're looking for! The best leaves to use are magnolia leaves (which are thick, robust and perfect for writing on).

Sun, happiness and a carefree life: a lemon makes one think of all these things, and what about their wonderful scent? But how about using lemons as place cards (as shown here)?

Another idea for those who want to bring nature to the wedding is to use beautiful, flat, smooth pebbles as place cards... Names can be written on in paint, India ink or permanent markers. No two pebble place cards will be the same!
A rustic touch: corks

Rustic wedding themes are always very popular, and nd using corks for place cards makes perfect sense at a celebration like this. A small slit cut on one side, and you can insert the name cards. It will then be up to you to choose how to decorate the rest of the cork (or just leave it as is)!
Script on wood

Staying with a rustic theme, how about using wood for place cards? Simple, flat wooden disks obtained by "slicing up" medium-sized branches will look wonderful, especially if decorated with a bit of gold leaf. As for the names, you can paint them on, use permanent markers, or even burn them on with a soldering/pyrography iron!
Tickets, but with a twist

Issue tickets to your wedding! These ticket-styled place cards can be made using fabric scraps, handspun cotton or linen or woven plant fibers.

Alternatively, you could use leather or suede to make these place card tickets. If you need to account for vegan guests, faux leather is now available, made from corn, apples, pineapples, mushrooms, cactus and cork!

Once you have your basic ticket-themed place cards ready, just add a bow and/or a sprig of flowers, rosemary, lavender as a finishing touch!
Help yourself with flowers

Flowers are a major focal point at any wedding. To use flowers in a slightly more original way, you could use pressed laminated flowers for place cards. Then, just write the names on the laminate with a permanent marker, and your guests will have an object that they can take away and reuse (as a bookmark, for example)!

Alternatively, simple, small vases (or glasses, or bottles, or some other suitable glass containers) full of flowers - whether they are wild or artificial - which support pieces of paper with the guest names written on them.
Miniature plants

It is not uncommon these days to see miniature plants (usually succulents) used both as place cards and as souvenirs for guests to take home.
You could do something similar using moss, a miniature pot and a name "sign post" planted into it (as shown here). To make these place cards more spectacular, cover them with inverted wine glasses!
A sweet thought

A similar idea, but the "bell jar" covers a tasty treat; how about some pastel-colored mini-macarons?

And imagine what a pleasant surprise it would be for your guests to find artisanal chocolates as place cards (and with forks holding the name signs)!
What type of place cards would you like to see on your wedding tables?