Small closets: maximize the space available with these 15 ingenious ideas

A tiny closet can be a big nuisance, especially because it forces us to make a selection of which clothes to hang up. These days, homes (and everything inside them) are much smaller. So, how can we deal with this issue without giving up on convenience?
A small closet does not necessarily mean being forced to pack away a load of your clothing and other accessories: in fact, there are a number of ways to make your small closet more spacious.
How can this be done? Well, check out the 15 brilliant suggestions below:
1. Space-saving hangers

Replace classic hangers with space-saving models (like the one shown here), which will allow you to hang up more items in a smaller space.
2. Exposed closet

Use an open-faced closet to make more space for your clothes: a rod secured to the sides will allow you to hang more clothes in the same amount of space.
3. Baskets

Use baskets to divide up your clothes and accessories by type on the shelves: not only will you get more space, but you will also be able to keep your things nicely organised.
4. Ceiling shelves

Add a ceiling shelf (like the one shown here) to make more room: you can use it to store items that you use less frequently (or for out-of-season clothes and/or bulky things).
5. DIY closet

Build a DIY closet by mounting shelves to a wall with metal supports; add rods for garments you can hang up and baskets for your other things.
6. Lighting

Add lighting inside your closet: light expands space and an illuminated closet, even if small, will look and feel more spacious.
7. Chest of drawers

A chest of drawers is perfect for storing a greater number of items of clothing: carefully folded, your trousers, sweaters and T-shirts will take up less space (and will also appear neater and more organised).
8. Make use of the doors

Hang organizers on your closet doors to store handbags, shoes and other accessories.
9. Double your hanging space

If you have many clothes to hang up (that are not too long), double the space available to you by inserting two rods at different heights in your closet.
10. Divide into zones

Divide your closet into "zones" to arrange all your things in a more systematic manner. These zones will allow you to properly structure your closet for all your garments and other accessories.
11. Like in stores

Use a rail to hang your clothes up in plain sight (just like in the shops).
12. Make use of the corners

Corners are also useful for storing what you need: just put up some corner shelves to get more room.
13. Combos

Use a combination of chests of drawers, shelves and rods to create a more spacious closet.
14. Canvas boxes

Put some canvas storage boxes in your closet and make better use of your shelves. And when you don't need them, you can easily fold them up and put them away.
15. Masonry

Constructing a built-in closet -like the one pictured here - will help you increase your available closet space
How do you maximize the space in your closets?