12 truly original ideas for storing shoes at home

by Mark Bennett

September 23, 2023

12 truly original ideas for storing shoes at home

Nowadays, being able to leave home and find your own dwelling place is not at all easy. But it is still possible if you buy a small house. Many people now move into small properties and make use of every square centimeter available to them.

And this also applies to shoe racks: even if they already tend to be quite compact, there are always improvements that can be made. Check out these brilliant ideas!


1. DIY with simple, wooden boxes

Taking some wooden boxes and "modifying" them by adding a simple wooden plank is a simple but practical idea: just take the measurements, use some wooden fruit crates/boxes and find the most suitable spot to mount them. 


2. When order and symmetry meet

If you only have a small, vertical space available, this could be the solution for you: square wooden shelves built to form "Vs". A simple and artistic way to find space for dozens of pairs of shoes!

3. Small wall = endless possibilities

If you have "depth" problems in your home, try this stratagem: long but narrow shelves capable of holding a large quantity of shoes - and without giving up the ability to open nearby doors and windows.

4. Wall shoes: practical and "aesthetic"

Again, for DIY lovers, this is a fun and truly efficient solution. All you need are some wooden planks to fix to the wall and a special system to hold the shoes once "placed" on the wall.

5. An incredible wall display

This is certainly one of the most original ideas you could try: the result is breathtaking. A series of tubes, aligned with each other to form a wall of "cylinders" (in which, your shoes are stored)!


6. Here's how to make the most of every square centimeter of space!

If you have very little space available, don't give up on having a shoe rack: as shown here, the right "shelves" can adapt even tiny spaces for you needs.

7. Both a door and a shoe rack!

Many people try to "hide" their shoe rack between the door and a wall. But what if the door itself became the shoe rack?!


8. When shoes also become a decoration

In this photo, a unique solution is shown: instead of finding a "hidden" place for the shoes, they become wall decorations! Aesthetically impressive and certainly useful for when considering what to wear in a hurry!

9. Shoe rack inside the wardrobe!

When there is no external storage space, there is little that can be done. Or maybe not? In fact, you can use internal spaces! As shown in this photo, a practical shoe rack has been hung up and placed inside a wardrobe.


10. Elegance meets practicality

Even the smallest homes can count on having "height", so why not take advantage of structures that are vertical? This "towering" shoe rack is a practical system for storing and displaying a good number of shoes and also serves as a nice piece of furniture: an excellent solution that requires very little space.

11. Small footprint for maximum yield!

In this case, the choice was for a space-saving, wall-mounted solution capable of acting as a shoe rack.


12. A chest of wonders

For those who don't like their shoes to be "on display" this could be a winning idea: set up/convert a trunk or bench in such a way that it can store all your shoes!
