For the best crop results, never grow zucchini near these plants

by Mark Bennett

August 13, 2023

For the best crop results, never grow zucchini near these plants

Zucchini (courgettes/baby marrows) are amongst the most popular of summer vegetables, thanks to their versatility and their sweet taste, which everyone likes. If you have some space available on the balcony or in the garden and you are considering setting up a small vegetable garden, you should consider planting zucchini.

Sown from the month of March, zucchini germinate quite quickly and bear fruit from from May and throughout the summer season. They need a lot of water and a soil that is not excessively clayey or calcareous, as well as a lot of sunlight. These particular needs, together with their susceptibility to various parasites, make zucchinis unsuitable for cultivation alongside some other common vegetables, which we list below:



  • Cucurbitaceae: zucchini do not like to be near other plants of their own family, such as cucumbers or melons. These plants can be easily infected by the same parasites that affect zucchini, such as powdery mildew or cucumber beetles. Growing them all close together increases the risk of a contamination spreading, resulting in the loss of a large part of your crop.
  • Potatoes: in the same way, potatoes can be easily affected by an infestation of potato beetles, to which zucchinis are also susceptible. Furthermore, potatoes, like zucchini, are very demanding plants and by cultivating the two species together, there is the risk of excessively and rapidly depleting the nutrients in the soil, causing crop failure.
  • Brassicaceae: plants such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower release substances into the soil that inhibit the growth of other species, including zucchini. Brassicaceae also attract cabbage worms, which can also damage zucchini.

But which plants can be grown near zucchini? Legumes (beans) are excellent companions for zucchini, since they fix nitrogen in the soil. Corn can also be grown alongside zucchini, since it has the same soil and moisture requirements. Furthermore, with their tall stems, corn offers support to climbing zucchini plants, which is why the combination of corn, zucchini and beans is considered ideal. Finally, even aromatic herbs planted near zucchini will help keep pests away.

Good luck with your zucchini crop!
