Memory foam pillows: can they be washed? And how?

Every night, we rest our heads on our pillows, and they pick up our sweat, drool and the dust and dirt floating around the bedroom's air. And given that the quality of sleep can be improved a lot when we sleep in clean environments, keeping our pillows clean is not just another household chore to do - it helps to ensure our well-being.
Amongst the popular types of pillows in use are made from memory foam. Unlike traditional pillows, however, it is not possible to wash these in a washing machine. In fact, the foam from which they are made risks crumbling and getting damaged if washed in a washing machine. So, how do we clean pillows made from memory foam? Read on to find out how:

Since the first objective is to remove dust, dead skin and all the dirt that settles on the pillow (and including dust mites, perhaps pet hair, etc.), the best method is to use a vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is just the tool you need to clean your pillows (and the mattress too, for that matter).
So, to maximize the effects of vacuum cleaning, just do as you normally do with the mattress: sprinkle the pillow with a thin layer of baking soda, leave it for an hour, and then vacuum it all up. We recommend you do this once a month or once every two months, at the most.
But what if there are stains?
The first thing to do is understand what kind of stain it is. In most cases, stains are caused by sweat, saliva, blood and other bodily fluids. For this type of cleaning, detergents with an enzymatic formula should be used. If you can't find this product, try using hydrogen peroxide, or a small amount of a delicate laundry detergent.
Take a soft, non-coloured cloth, pour a little of the product onto it and then dab the stain gently, without rubbing hard. If you don't see any improvement, scrub with a soft bristled brush (an old toothbrush, for example). Then rinse the cloth out well, and use it to dab on the stain. Finally, take a dry cloth press it down on the damp area to try to absorb as much moisture as possible. Then air dry the pillow before using it again.
For deep cleaning:
If you think your pillow needs to be deep-cleaned, be advised this is a long process. In fact, you will have to wash the pillow by hand in a large basin or in the bathtub. Fill the basin or tub with warm water, add a spoonful of laundry detergent and two spoonfuls of hydrogen peroxide. When the pillow is immersed, squeeze it gently to allow the soapy water to get into it. Move the pillow around gently, ensuring the soapy water penetrates thoroughly. Then, empty out the soapy water and rinse out: you may have to do this several times before all the soap is removed.
Let the pillow air dry completely, perhaps first using some clean towels to soak up excess moisture.
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