11 great suggestions for laying down fantastic shapes using gravel and pebbles in the garden

When decorating a garden, one always needs to take care to the purpose and design. What you want to get from your garden will drive how you set it up, design it and what objects and materials to decorate it with.
However, it is not necessarily the case that plants have to form the backbone of a garden's layout and design. In fact, the idea of using colorful ground covers (in stone, pebbles or gravel) to beautify your garden is an equally valid consideration. Check out the suggestions below:
You can go to any nursery or garden center, you will discover a thousand types of stones, pebbles and gravel with which to decorate your garden.
Many types of natural stone and come in a wide range of colors. And then you can also go as far as stipulating the average size and shape of gravel/pebbles that you want!
You can choose to fill an entire flower bed with only one type of pebble, and then add any other elements you want (large rocks, plants of various types, sculptures, even fountains)...
... or you can have fun laying out abstract, matching geometric shapes.
To ensure that each shape is filled properly, the borders are "drawn" using special plates inserted into the ground,
There are excellent ideas to create movement and play with colors and shapes, even if every flower bed is not full of plants.
And often, these ground covers are used to emphasize a special plant or tree in the garden!
Pebbles - white or colored - can be a viable alternative to laying regular paving or a lawn.
Stones - even hand painted ones - can be used to cover the soil inside pots. It is a way to decorate them but also to protect the soil in very hot weather (by reducing the rate of water evaporation). And they never get as hot as concrete or asphalt surfaces.
Larger stones can also be used like mosaic tiles and/or to create different textured places to walk on barefoot.
Would you like to decorate your garden by using pebble and/or gravel ground coverings?