Easter crafts using recycled wood: 11 ideas to decorate your home and garden creatively

Decorating the house for the Easter holidays is a way to celebrate this important holiday, which occurs every year with its universally recognized traditions and symbols. And when, with family and friends, you spend time chatting, eating and playing together, it's nice to have seasonally-themed decorations around that create the right atmosphere. And they can be made from a myriad of different materials, including wood.
In fact, even using pieces of scrap or recycled wood, it is possible to give life to many inventive creations, which reflect the decorative themes of Easter. Making decorations of this nature is fun and easy. Check out the ideas below:

Bunnies, carrots and nature are classic icons that bring Easter and springtime to mind. Very easy to make with wood off-cuts, they can perhaps be placed in baskets or hung up wherever you want!

Not only beautiful, but also useful: if you want to make a basket into which you can place, for example, decorated eggs, a flower arrangement, or the cutlery and accessories for an outdoor picnic, then this shaped bunny-themed basket is perfect for Eastertime.

Tutorial via organizedclutter.net
Do you have any plywood left over? Cut the scraps into the shape of eggs and then decorate them as you wish. You can hang them up wherever you want and it's very easy!

And as for flat shapes, how can we not think of rabbits too? If thick enough, or given a base, they become decorations to be placed on a shelf or used as a table centerpiece.

With soft pom-poms, you can also give your stylized bunnies fluffy tails.

Wooden disks sliced from branches and logs are another versatile resource: you can paint them to look like chicks, eggs, bunnies and more, and then you can hang them up, or maybe use them in other ways. If they're thin and flat, they could make adorable coasters.

When choosing colors, pastels are always the best for Easter decorations.

And here's a very nice decorative motif: this one that makes you think of bunnies seen from behind as they bolt into their dens! Cute to use in flower beds or large planters, for example!
If you choose to cut a wooden board into a carrot shape, it could become the frame you decorate to use as a door-mounted wreath.
Even a wooden egg on a base is cute. And you can adorn it with plants!

Among the flowerbeds in the garden, bunnies can be found!
Happy Easter!