For Easter, decorate your home using salt dough! 10 wonderful, festive projects

Easter is one of the most important holidays in the year and is celebrated all over the world; for this reason, many of us usually decorate our homes with Easter-themed decorations, which help to spread the festive mood. And many of these decorations can be made using DIY projects and/or creative recycling.
Of all the materials that can be used to make Easter decorations, salt dough is certainly one of the cheapest and simplest to use - as well as being really fun to work with. The recipe to make salt dough is very simple and requires only 3 ingredients: water and salt in equal parts and flour in double the quantity of the other two ingredients. You can decide to leave the salt dough au naturel or to color it; to do this, you can add food coloring whilst making the dough, or you can paint it when it dries and hardens.
Preparing the salt dough

To prepare this cheap, natural and non-toxic dough, just mix the three ingredients, adding more flour or water if the dough is too wet or too dry; work the mix until you get a homogeneous dough and then you can proceed with the processing.
Roll out the dough into a sheet of a few centimeters thick or shape it into more complex, three-dimensional shapes; in this phase you can also insert other decorative elements such as spices or seeds. If you want to add other decorations, glue them on after the dough dries. Then you just need to put your creations in a oven at 50-60 degrees (or on the radiator) to let them dry out and harden.
At this point, your decorations will be ready to be painted or to be displayed!
Here are 10 decoration suggestions:
1. Easter egg tree
The great Easter classic for some years now is the Easter egg tree; decorate your tree with salt dough eggs, chicks and bunnies. You can cut out the shapes with special cookie cutters and paint them as you like; the possibilities are truly endless!
2. Placeholders
How about preparing placeholders for your table? They will also be a wonderful reminder of the day spent together.
3. Decorate with food
To embellish your salt dough decorations, reach into your pantry: you can use colored seeds, cereals and spices to make your Easter decorations even more beautiful.
4. A salt dough nest
Making an Easter-themed nest from salt dough is very simple: just cover the bottom of a small shallow bowl with salt dough or prepare strips of salt dough to be positioned in a spiral. Prepare some eggs in the same way, embellish with some blades of grass and that's all there is to it.
5. Versatile decorations
Create more complex decorations, such as bunnies or little chicks peeping out of a basket: you can hang them up wherever you like, make a wreath, use them as a centerpiece or as placeholders.
6. Decorative eggs
While the dough is still malleable, eggs can be stamped with wonderful designs: press patterned stamps into the dough and enjoy the results!
7. Eternal flowers
How about a nice vase of everlasting flowers? Salt dough is perfect for making these! Choose your favorite flowers and model the dough to look like them; paint them and put them in a nice vase - they will be a beautiful and long lasting decoration!
8. Wreaths
With salt dough, you can also make wonderful wreaths. Decorate them with spices, legumes and seeds, or even leaves, small eggs and little toy animals (also possibly made with the dough). They will be truly superb.
9. Little sheep
Not just rabbits: for Easter, sheep are also something you can make using salt dough and it isn't that difficult.
10. Decorative chickens
Let's not forget the chicks and chickens! You can cut out a cardboard template or create three-dimensional chickens to be placed in a nest. Let your imagination run wild!
Are you already ready to make some salt dough?