14 fantastic ideas to create planters and flower pots from recycled objects

Sometimes we don't realize that just a bunch of flowers, or a pot plant, can do wonders to transform the look of a room. And this is also true when add plants and flowers to the balcony or the garden. To do this, we can choose from a myriad of different ways: from planting flower beds or deploying large vases, for example. And creative recycling cannot be ruled out either.
With a little imagination, practically anything can be transformed into a planter or flower pot. Old furniture, tin cans, balls, trolleys... There are many ideas out there for all tastes. Find the one that's right for you amongst the suggestions below:

If space is limited and the plants you want are slow-growing, you can use jars as pots. Tin cans can also be used for this purpose (and can be decorated too).
Teapots, coffee pots, pitchers - in ceramic, porcelain or enamelled metal, and more... these can all become adorable plant pots.

Unused basketball hoop laying around? Then a basketball hoop full of flowers is an great repurposing idea.

And you can recycle basketballs, soccerballs, volleyballs, and more!
Remaining with the sporting theme: have you ever thought about converting an old golf bag into a planter?

Any still-intact bucket or pail you have at home can become a beautiful planter or vase holder. Just give them a lick of paint and add rope for handles!
And, of course, wooden boxes and fruit crates are perfect for these recycling projects.
Old bird cages can also be used as hanging planters. Amongst the flowers that look very nice displayed like this are petunias or nasturtiums.

Before you throw out any old furniture, check for ideas online on how to convert it into a planter – there are plenty of them!

Even a simple set of drawers can house plants and flowers in a very scenographic way.
And even old armchairs can become unique planters!
An irresistible combo: an old wooden (or even metal) ladder and rustic, galvanized metal buckets.
If by chance you find an old shopping trolley laying around, it can become an amazing planter (like a wheelbarrow can too).

And check out what you can do with an old cart!
Would you like to create planters like these?