Easter bunnies: You can make your own using all sorts of materials

If we had to choose a universally recognized symbol of the Easter holidays, we could hardly select one more adorable and loved than bunnies. Their iconic shape, even if stylized, recurs in a myriad of Easter decorations, and there even toys and food modelled on their form. So, it is not surprise if rabbits are the focus of you festive decorations.
But what if you don't have time to go looking for bunnies in the shops? No problem: you can make adorable ones from many objects and materials that you probably already have at home. Take a look at the creative recycling ideas proposed below:

If you have scraps of wool laying around, you can create pompoms which, in turn, you can transform into bunnies: look at how beautiful and cute these soft bunnies are.

And if you would like to test yourself using origami techniques instead, there are a thousand ideas for you to try online.
Even with simple wooden pegs, a little paint and markers, you can create very cute little creations to adorn gift packages or even to use as place cards!

A bit like at Christmas, at Easter you can hang up festive festoons in home - over the fireplace or in the windows. And with old pages from books or newspapers, you can create a really stunning ones!

Wouldn't it be cute to sit down at the table and find that the napkins have been folded into the shape of bunnies?

You will surely have wondered what you can do with toilet paper rolls . Well, there are various ways to turn them into Easter bunnies - all of them as creative and simple the one you see here.
You can also use cardboard tubes as stamps to create bunny shapes on cardboard sheets or even fabric!
Rabbits made by creatively recycling bottles: it's a project within everyone's reach.
Search online for an adorable bunny template, and then cut them out of cardboard in whatever colors you prefer. Then you can start putting them up to decorate your home!
Small, adorable creations, made by sewing two scraps of felt together: these will make super-cute gifts!
Here's an idea for those who want decorations with a more modern flair!

A project with a rustic, but decidedly enchanting, style: bunnies made from wooden discs.

Wooden beads, cotton wool and scraps of soft felt for the ears: these bunnies have an irresistible stylish, modern look.
Happy Easter everyone!