Black living room: 9 irresistible proposals for an unconventional look

by Mark Bennett

February 24, 2023

Black living room: 9 irresistible proposals for an unconventional look

Black is one of those colors considered taboo in interior design: it's considered a difficult color to manage, and mistakes can easily be made with black paint that could compromise the livability of an environment. Of course, if black is limited to a few furnishing accessories, there is no problem. But when you think about painting all the walls of the living room (or most of the exposed surfaces) in black, you need to do it with caution and studying the situation properly.

There are some necessary steps to take regarding black walls and black furniture: it is an elegant color, but also one that does not reflect light, hence the risk of making a living room dark and oppressive. Take a look below at some examples of a successfully furnished black living room.


Black and white: this is the safest combination, and the one in which you will make the least mistakes. With a white ceiling, white walls and a floor lamp, using black becomes an option. And the same approach can be taken with the furnishings and furniture too.


Semi-precious gems on a black background: we were talking about preconditions and tricks here. As for the former, if you want to have black everywhere, the living room must be large enough and filled by natural light (or artfully illuminated with artificial lights). As for the tricks, to dampen the feeling of there being too much black, it is a good idea to use it as a neutral background on which to add bold, lively brushstrokes, of colors that remind one of gems: amethyst, ruby, emerald and so on!

Black and gold: black goes very well with metallic accents, as well as with certain animal patterns. If these are to your to your taste, then try a similar combination to liven up a black canvas.

Black and mustard: this is a slightly more natural version of the above black & white combination, and it also leaves room for grays in the color palette to complete the living room's furnishings.

Unexpected details: in the name of the so-called "maximalist" style, which uses materials, shapes and colors in an apparent chaotic way, an eclectic mix of furnishings that seem to come from different eras and different parts of the world can find an ideal background against black.


Rustic: when you think of rustic furnishings, the dominant color is white, interrupted by details in wood, wicker, rope and so on. But using black immediately creates a mysterious atmosphere that mixes rustic with modern in a fascinating way.

Black ceiling: this choice needs to be made carefully. Generally, if the walls are lightly-colored, dark paint on the ceiling will have the effect of making the room appear a little smaller, with the ceiling lower than it actually is. So, it's beautiful to look at, but only really suitable for very spacious environments.


An accent wall, even in wood: when you want to create an accent wall, black is often used. If black paint covers only a portion of a wall - or even a corner of a room - it won't overwhelm everything else. And it is unique when it is black-colored cladding (like black wood panels).

A blackboard: a trend that always finds some admirers, is a wall painted with blackboard paint - to be decorated (also) with drawings and doodles made with chalk. And considering that the traditional blackboard is black... This is a great idea for the living room!

Would you like a black living room like these?
