Eliminate dust in your home using these simple tips

by Mark Bennett

February 13, 2023

Eliminate dust in your home using these simple tips

Of all the chores we have to carry out when we clean the house, removing dust is perhaps the most irritating: not only due to the dirt generated by the inevitable spread of dust particles in the air, but also because you have to dust often. In fact, the home seems to be able to generate dust at an incredible speed and it only takes a few days for all our work to be nullified by the thin, opaque layer of dust that will have to be cleaned again.

Did you know that there are tips to eliminate dust and slow down its reappearance? Let's discover them together:


1. Keeping order

1. Keeping order


It may seem trivial, but the first secret to having a dust-free home is keeping order. The accumulation of a large number of objects on the surfaces of our furniture, shelves and counter-tops is a clear invitation for dust to settle. And the more objects are placed in sight, the more dust will settle on them. If you don't have much time available, it's best to keep all your knick-knacks and other decorative objects in a wardrobe or display case. Inside wardrobes, it is best to store unused linen in boxes and vacuum-sealed bags; you will gain space and reduce the possibility of accumulation of dust and dirt.


2. Fabrics

2. Fabrics


When cleaning the house, it is important to start with the fabrics (carpets, rugs, mats, bedding, for example). Beating the carpets on the balcony or in the garden and then vacuuming them carefully at least once a week is important. Curtains should be washed at least twice a year to ensure they are always clean and free of dust. Sofas and cushions must be carefully cleaned, making sure to reach into the crevices (where dirt often settles and hides). Bed linen should also be changed frequently - at least once a week (and more often in hot weather). When changing the linen, take the bedding outside and shake them vigorously to dispel dust and dirt. The mattress must be turned over at least twice a year.

3. Dusting

3. Dusting


For dusting, use only microfibre cloths. These cloths are the only ones able to effectively remove dust thanks to their antistatic power. To lengthen the duration of their action, you can moisten them with a mixture of water and vinegar, which will also add a sanitizing and polishing action to the dusting. Always remember the heaters when carrying out this operation: they are one of the main points where dust is deposited and in winter, during use, this dust spreads throughout the room. Thoroughly wash radiators twice a year: in the spring after they are turned off and in the autumn before they are turned on again. After use, wash your microfiber cloths in the washing machine without any fabric softener to prevent them from losing their antistatic power. For cleaning floors, iuse a broom and dustpan daily and use the vacuum cleaner on them at least twice a week. The latter must also always be clean: every time you use it, make sure that the filter is free from residue which could block the appliance.

4. Washing

4. Washing


The last operation is washing the floors, which allows you to clean up anything you may have missed. You can do this either with a rag or a mop. If you want to use natural products, you can use water with vinegar or baking soda or Marseille soap, (depending on the type of floor you have at home). Floor washing should be done at least twice a week to prevent dust from settling.

What strategies do you adopt to eliminate dust?
