Organization and planning: how to replace bad habits with good ones

by Mark Bennett

February 02, 2023

Organization and planning: how to replace bad habits with good ones

Proper planning and organization are the key to the success of any project, from the simplest to the most complex. This is why it is important that our homes are properly organized. But are we really sure that our home is organized in the best way? The answer might surprise you: sometimes we believe we have implemented the best plan possible, but there is often room for improvement.

So how can we improve our homes and our lives? Here are some suggestions to get you started:


1. Organize and rearrange in stages

1. Organize and rearrange in stages


Many would want rearrange the entire house at once, but it is best to avoid starting something that you might not finish. In fact, any interruption can very easily lead to one giving up on the endeavour. It is best to divide the house into sectors and dedicate oneself to one sector at a time, perhaps starting with the one that bothers us the most. In this way, you will be able to make a sustained reorganisation effort over time.


2. Do your research before starting

2. Do your research before starting


Before proceeding with the reorganization of your home, it is important to be sure of where the objects that we will discard or throw away will end up. Decide where these things will go: the landfill, for recycling, or to a charity. Seeks out groups to which items could be donated (via websites, social groups, second-hand shops, etc ). This consideration should also guide our purchases: it is better to buy objects that can be recycled or reused rather than objects that will inevitably end up in the trash.

3. Shop from home before shopping at a store

3. Shop from home before shopping at a store


When you believe you need something new, stop and think before going off to buy it. Maybe you already have this object at home but you have forgotten about it; perhaps it is at the bottom of a drawer or wardrobe or in the cellar. Or perhaps you have some similar object that can easily be repurposed. This way of proceeding will help you not only to save money, but will also to improve your space-saving efforts.

4. Put things away after use

4. Put things away after use


It may seem trivial, but a mess starts the moment we take something out to use. If we get into the habit of not leaving thes items around after using them, organizing the house will also be simpler and quicker.

5. Don't buy too many containers

5. Don't buy too many containers


We often buy containers before we have a plan on how to use them. In the kitchen, for example, putting all the products we buy in transparent containers could be counterproductive for organizational purposes: first of all, if we throw away the original packaging, we risk losing important information about the products; secondly, light and heat could also spoil our foods before their expiry dates. Thirdly, buying a basket or box just for their aesthetic appeal takes up precious space. In any event, remember to label each container, so you always know what's in it.


6. Think of organization planning as a lifestyle choice

6. Think of organization planning as a lifestyle choice


Organization planning is not just a set of tasks to be performed correctly - it is a state of mind. Being organized will  allow you to fully experience other areas of your life, which disorder would normally compromise. For example, you can enjoy more time with your children instead of spending the weekend tidying up; or you can treat yourself to an evening with friends instead of staying at home to do whatever chores you forgot. This approach has many benefits: a well-organized home makes cleaning chores easier, gives better peace of mind and helps financially.

So what are you waiting for? Get a pen and paper, decide what the most important thing to do is, and get started!
