8 useful tips that will keep your clothes in good condition for longer

by Mark Bennett

February 20, 2023

8 useful tips that will keep your clothes in good condition for longer

We would all like to keep the garments we wear for as long as possible, avoiding damaging them and having to replace them. Certainly, we also want to avoid the expense too. And throwing away a favorite item of clothing that has worn out  can be very upsetting.

Of course, clothes cannot last forever. But by following the right advice, our wardrobe can be kept intact for much longer.

Here then, are some useful tips on how to prolong the life of your clothes:



To always have perfectly smooth and lint-free sweaters, take a razor and remove the lint, taking care not to cut the sweater itself. To follow up, you can remove any residue with scotch tape or a special lint roller.



You can use baking soda to get rid of bad smells from shoes. Put in just enough to cover the insoles and the baking soda will absorb any unpleasant odors in a flash.



To revive or protect the colors of colored T-shirts, periodically soak them in water and white vinegar (about a glass of vinegar for two liters of water) and then rinse out by adding salt. It seems that this solution helps a lot to keep the colors bright.



Sewing on buttons with dental floss is a great way to avoid them popping off as often as they do. In this way, your shirts will remain in excellent condition for longer.



To avoid having to constantly change your bras, an excellent idea is to wash them in special bra-saving balls that are available in shops. Putting them in these balls before putting them in the washing machine will certainly make them last longer.



A useful tip to avoid clothes creasing in the dryer is to put ice cubes inside the machine before starting it. The cubes, as they melt, will turn into steam which is useful for smoothing out any excessive creasing.



The sun can be an enemy or an ally for laundry. In the case of white cloths, drying them in the sun can help them a lot. For dark cloths, on the other hand - especially black clothes - direct sunlight can be harmful and fade them. So be very careful about what you put on the line.



Buttoning or zipping up your clothes before putting them in the washer or dryer can help them keep their shape and prevent them from wearing out prematurely.

Have you ever tried one of these tips in the past?
