Cleaning the tops of your kitchen cabinets? Try this fast and easy method

by Mark Bennett

December 09, 2022

Cleaning the tops of your kitchen cabinets? Try this fast and easy method

We usually clean our kitchen cabinets at regular intervals, often also tidying them up in the process. But we often forget to clean the upper parts/tops of these cabinets. It's easy to forget about this area as it is out of sight, but it's important to make sure it's not missed.

So, how do we clean the tops of wall units? If we haven't done this chore for a long time, it will certainly take a lot of time and effort - even if we have protected them with newspaper. Let's discover together an easy and fast method to remove dirt and maintain cleanliness on the tops of our kitchen cabinets.

via @cleanthatup/TikTok



Cleaning expert, @cleanthatup, shows us on TikTok a quick and easy way to remove years of grime from the tops of kitchen cabinets. First, you need to get a spatula and scrape the tops in order to remove the worst of the grime. When this task is finished, remove the debris with a dustpan and brush or vacuum it up. To ensure deep cleaning, you can also use a microfibre cloth soaked in vinegar or a bicarbonate-based solution or Marseille soap. These products are powerful degreasers that can help us keep the whole kitchen clean - from under the sink to the tops of wall units.

If, on the other hand, you are looking for a tip to make the task easier next time, you can consider covering the tops. We advise against the use of newspaper because steam and grease quickly causes the paper to deteriorate. It's better to use parchment paper or paraffin-impregnated paper. The latter is very resistant because it is plasticized or treated with wax and can be kept in service for much longer. Replace the paper every month or so.

Ready to roll up your sleeves and climb a ladder?
