Do you forget to keep these 5 commonly used appliances in their best possible condition?

by Mark Bennett

December 21, 2022

Do you forget to keep these 5 commonly used appliances in their best possible condition?

In everyday life, we make use of many electronic accessories that have now become indispensable. Especially in the kitchen or during our work and study hours, we use these appliances and devices constantly. We learn to use them without thinking and repeatedly. We may also be quite good at keeping them clean and tidy most of time. However, there are some precautions that can help us to make them last for even longer (and thereby save us money).

Below are some maintenance tips for five commonly used objects:


Clothes iron

Clothes iron

Commons Wikimedia

  • You should never leave water in the tank after you have finished ironing: it is best to empty the iron each time, and fill it up again when next you use it.
  • What type of water to use? There are those who only use the distilled water, while some who are against this. However, it is certain that tap water will always leave limescale residue which, in the long run, will compromise the functioning of the iron. A compromise? Filtered water can also work well.
  • Even if you don't see deposits on the steam outlet holes, take care to clean them regularly using a cotton swab dipped in vinegar (or use an old toothbrush).




  • If you use a laptop at home or in the office, it is probably always on a desk. In this case, it is important not to leave the charging cable plugged in all the time, because this shortens the life of the battery (and the life of the computer itself). It is therefore recommended to fully charge the laptop and then unplug it until the battery drops to about 30%. Only then should should the laptop be recharged.
  • Furthermore, it is essential to avoid that the laptop rests directly on a table or on blankets (when using it on the sofa or in bed). There is always a need for air to circulate, so that the device does not overheat or get dirty (with hair, crumbs, lint and similar).

Computer (PC)

Computer (PC)


The question of dirt entering computers also concerns desktop models (with towers): for both desktops and laptops, it is important to periodically clean the cooling fan, which fills up with fluff and dust even when you are very careful to prevent this. If you're unable to disassemble the computer yourself, get a professional to do so.

Electric kettle

Electric kettle


  • Never leave any water in the kettle after using it, and clean it thoroughly and periodically to eliminate limescale deposits.
  • Do not keep it near heat sources (the oven or stove, for example) which can melt some of its parts.




  • When you want to use the blender for hard ingredients, it is always best to break them up as much as possible first and also to add liquid components. It is generally not recommended to blend hard foods (such as stale bread to make breadcrumbs) because these ruin the blades and stress the engine, sometimes leading the blender to "burn out".
  • In particular, if you want to crush ice, it is always best to add a little water.
  • Also avoid blending foods that are very hot; always let them cool down before placing them in the blender.

With these precautions, your appliances will last longer!
