Deodorize the bathroom by perfuming the toilet: the most effective tips and products

by Mark Bennett

December 01, 2022

Deodorize the bathroom by perfuming the toilet: the most effective tips and products

Bad smells in the bathroom are something everyone has to live with and tries to minimize. Even in a spotless bathroom, bad odors can persist. And it's never a pleasure for anyone to smell them constantly. It is also true that, just like the majority of unpleasant odors that originate from the toilet, pleasant scents can come from it too - if properly sanitized.

We can do this by using a series of tips and natural products that help us achieve this goal. Thanks to these guidelines, you can achieve a pleasant, fresh-scented bathroom.

Here are the details:



  • Scented salt: the first secret to perfuming a toilet and bathroom is using coarse/rock salt which can easily be perfumed using essential oils. In addition to acting as a perfumer, salt cleans and descales. It can therefore also be useful in this sense. All you need to do is add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a few tablespoons of coarse salt and mix the two ingredients until the salt has absorbed all the oil. Then place the salt in the toilet bowl and leave it overnight. In the morning, flush the toilet and the result will definitely amaze you.

  • Water and lemon: another very useful and effective remedy can be a mixture of hot water and lemon. There is no doubt that lemon, like other citrus fruits, is a natural deodorant. In this case, you can fill a bucket with hot water and add the juice of two or three lemons (even old lemons you might want to throw away). Pour the water into the toilet and let it act overnight.


  • Marseille soap: Marseille soap is an excellent ally in task (and in many other cases). Mix the soap flakes with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Sprinkle the flakes over the inside of the toilet and leave them there overnight. The following morning, scrub the toilet bowl thoroughly with a toilet brush and then flush. The scent will be very pleasant.

  • Bicarbonate and Argan oil: another natural and very effective method combines the action of sodium bicarbonate with that of Argan oil (which is widely used in cosmetics). Mix 600 g of baking soda, 4 tablespoons of coarsely ground salt, 4 tablespoons of essential oil (lemon is best) and 2 teaspoons of Argan oil. Mix until you get a creamy paste that you can put into container to dry out. Once hardened and cut into tablet-sized blocks, they can be used as needed. Their effervescent effect will ensure that the perfume is released from the bowl to the surrounding bathroom.

What do you think? Will you try to use one of these methods to deodorize your bathroom?
