Don't want your garlic to sprout? Use these simple tips

by Mark Bennett

November 17, 2022

Don't want your garlic to sprout? Use these simple tips

Each bulb of garlic, and the cloves that make it up, that we have in the kitchen has the ability to sprout, and most of use have had this happen to a bulb that we have forgotten about in the kitchen.

The larger the sprout, the less edible the pulp will be. And although eating sprouted garlic is not bad for your health, it is also true that the taste will not be the same. Therefore, if you want to preserve your garlic cloves for longer, you will need to pay attention to how to store garlic in the kitchen properly. Read on to find out more:


Among the most popular methods used are the following:

  • Freeze the garlic, but only after each clove has been separated and cleaned. They should be used in cooking without waiting for them to defrost.
  • If you use garlic often, you can skin the cloves and keep them in the refrigerator.
  • Alternatively, keep the bulbs at room temperature in aerated containers (in small bowls with holes, or mesh bags).
  • You could even dry the cloves: peel each clove and cut them in half lengthwise; then use a dryer or place each piece on a baking sheet for 2 hours at 60 °, then drop to 55 ° for another 4 or 6 hours. Once dehydrated, keep the cloves in airtight container at room temperature.

If, on the other hand, the garlic is fresh, take each bulb and arrange them on a tray (spread out). Put the tray in a cool, dry place, and wait for one week.

You will notice that the outer skin becomes thin and dry, like very fine paper, and all the residual dirt will also come off easily. It's time to cut the tops off, leaving only two or three centimeters from the top of the bulbs. Also cut away the roots that are at the bottom of the bulbs.

Clean the garlic thoroughly without damaging it, and keep it in a mesh bag, preferably in a cool place that does not drop below 10 degrees C.

Have you tried any of these tips before?
