Mess at home: 10 bad habits you need to give up right away

by Mark Bennett

October 25, 2022

Mess at home: 10 bad habits you need to give up right away

A messy house is not only an aesthetic problem and a source of embarrassment when welcoming guests: the disorder has a negative impact on the well-being of the inhabitants too, creating various difficulties and delays - not only when it comes to finding objects buried in the mess, but also in maintaining a regular cleaning routine.

If you are chronically messy, have tried to change your ways, but have failed, it may be that you have subconscious, bad habits that prevent you from succeeding. Change these, and the mess will magically disappear from your life (perhaps)! We list 10 of these bad habits below:


1. Leaving clothes in the washing machine

1. Leaving clothes in the washing machine


Doing laundry is extremely tedious, but forgetting to hang out the laundry when the wash cycle ends is not a good idea. In fact, by letting damp clothes dry in an enclosed space, you risk having to re-wash them, as the laundry will develop an unpleasant, damp smell. Not so convenient and it will cost you double the time and effort!


2. Leaving the table cluttered with objects

2. Leaving the table cluttered with objects


Undoubtedly, it is useful to have everything you need close to hand and we all need a place to to put things. But leaving mulitple objects on a table until it is completely covered will give a very chaotic look to your home. We know it is tiring, but make an effort to find a place for everything and define "no dumping" areas in your house. Your home will seem tidier, cleaner and more elegant instantly!

3. Hoarding things

3. Hoarding things


We are fairly certain that your home is not so cluttered that you cannot put one step in front of the other, but are you really sure that all the objects you have accumulated over the years are actually useful? Try this: open one cabinet at a time, one drawer after another and sift through all your items. Put aside those whose usefulness you are not 100% certain of. We bet you now have a mountain of items that have been lying around unused for days, weeks, maybe months or even years.

Now try to get rid of these items. It will not be easy, but we guarantee that when the operation is over, you will feel much better. And your home will thank you, that's for sure!

4. Not tidying up before going out

4. Not tidying up before going out


We are all in a hurry, it's true. But leaving the house (or going to sleep) leaving objects scattered everywhere, the dishes in the sink and the bed unmade certainly does not help you. So try to dedicate 10-15 minutes in the evening before going to sleep to tidy up around the house. Prepare the breakfast table and clothes for the next day. You will see that keeping your home tidier and cleaner will also become much easier to do.

5. Wearing your shoes indoors

5. Wearing your shoes indoors


In Japan, it is customary to leave shoes at the threshold when entering a house. The Japanese are always one step ahead of us when it comes to organization and this time too, they are correct. Wearing shoes inside brings in clods of earth and debris which dirties our carpets and floors.


6. Forgetting the clothes on the drying rack

6. Forgetting the clothes on the drying rack


The above advice about the washing machine, also applies to laundry that is already dry. We might think dry clothes can stay on the line or clothes rack indefinitely without any problem, but is this true? In fact, clothes left on a drying rack can become dusty or covered with hair and other debris. And does it really save any time? Not to mention the annoyance of having a full drying rack under your feet all the time. Put everything back in cupboards as soon as they are dry: you will ensure your home looks tidier.

7. Bringing unnecessary items home

7. Bringing unnecessary items home


The quickest way to tidy up your home is to get rid of unnecessary things. And for this to happen, it is essential that you avoid bringing home things that you do not really need and which would only cause more mess: useless souvenirs, symbolic gifts, flyers, old magazines, newspapers, receipts, etc. Similarly, it is important to avoid keeping duplicate items: have you just bought a new pan to replace an old and worn one? Avoid keeping the old pan "just in case": throw it away as soon as the new one comes throught your door.


8. Using dirty cleaning tools

8. Using dirty cleaning tools


Maybe you clean your house every day, but do you ever clean your cleaning tools? Cleaning them is essential for proper functioning: wash all your tools immediately after use and, when worn out by use, throw them away and replace them. This goes for sponges, brushes, brooms, mops, rags, towels and dustpans. And be careful to use one tool for each room of the house: for example, you will avoid cross contamination if you use two different sponges - one for the bathroom and one for the kitchen.

9. Using the vacuum cleaner only on the floors

9. Using the vacuum cleaner only on the floors


The vacuum cleaner is a very useful appliance in the home and using it only on the floors is shame: nothing can create a mess like dust on the furniture, sofas, carpets, shelves, shelves, radiators, mattresses and hard-to-reach corners. Take out the vacuum cleaner accessories from the back of the closet and learn how to use them; the rooms will immediately be more attractive!


10. Not cleaning the refrigerator

10. Not cleaning the refrigerator


Our food is not necessarily safe after it reaches the refrigerator: it could be contaminated if it comes into contact with spoiled products. Make sure you do not store expired products, open packages, overripe fruit and vegetables or food leftovers in the fridge: sort out the refrigerator regurlarly and, at least once a month, do a more thorough cleaning of the entire appliance. Opening the door and seeing the brilliant white of the walls will lift your mood and make your home look more beautiful.

How many of these 10 bad habits do you have? How many will you change immediately?
