To get fragrantly smelling floors, you can use simple and cheap tips

by Mark Bennett

September 22, 2022

To get fragrantly smelling floors, you can use simple and cheap tips

We spend a lot of time keeping our floors clean - depending on the surface material, we will find ourselves sweeping and vacuuming or mopping frequently. And sooner or later, the use of some product to remove the most stubborn dirt becomes inevitable, and if the first thing we want to make sure of is to get rid of dirt and to sanitize - and it doesn't hurt if the floor remains pleasantly scented for a long time either.

To do this, we can make use some tips,to get a pleasant aroma in the house after we have washed and cleaned the floors.



In the case of wooden floors, it must be remembered that it is best to avoid using water in large quantities and, in this regard, there are two different approaches. Some prefer to use only special products (which are already scented) and which are sprayed on a cleaning cloth (and not directly onto the floor). Others use water with a mild detergent instead.

In this second case, that you can custom-make a perfume without necessarily having to spend a lot: it is sufficient to use very little water, into which you can dissolve a small amount of Marseille or Castile soap (which always has a fresh and pleasant scent). To this mix you can add 3, 4 or 5 drops of an essential oil of your choice. If you squeeze the cloth out well, you will clean everything without leaving puddles and each pass will give off a fantastic scent.



For tiled floors (especially stoneware and ceramic), home remedies based on hot water and white vinegar can be used. However, vinegar has a sour smell that can be annoying, and therefore you can replace this with alcohol, and then create the perfume you want with the addition of essential oils (in this case, you can use up to 10 drops, or more .. experiment a little to find the perfect mix for you!).

Alternatively, you can also pour a drop of laundry softener into the bucket with hot water and alcohol: a measuring cup three quarters full is enough (maybe you can increase the dose in the future, as long as the water does not become too viscous and leaves streaks on the floor). A wonderful  fragrance (like the smell of clean clothes and linens) will permeate the whole house. This remedy also works for terracotta floors.

You could also dissolve citric acid in hot water - when you just need to refresh the floor.



If, on the other hand, the floors are marble, you should use Marseille or Castile soap and an ecological dish washing detergent. Then add a few drops of essential oil to create the perfume.

Do you have a favorite method for perfuming your floors?
