Beautiful, good and beneficial: 8 houseplants that are easy to grow and friends to our well-being

by Mark Bennett

October 02, 2022

Beautiful, good and beneficial: 8 houseplants that are easy to grow and friends to our well-being

A little greenery in our homes is always nice: it helps us to improve our mood but also to sleep better and, if we choose the right species, they remove harmful elements from the air that can also accumulate in the home. You can grow many species in an apartment, some of which are very easy to manage, needing little water or adapting well even to poor light.

If you are also thinking of gardening in an apartment, perhaps you are looking for guidance in choosing the right plants. We have selected eight that are easy to grow, beautiful to look at and also beneficial for our health!


1. Rubber tree (Ficus elastica)

1. Rubber tree (Ficus elastica)


This plant, which in its natural habitat reaches 30 meters in height, adapts very well to the life in an apartment; it is quite easy to cultivate it, not having many needs. The ideal temperature is between 16 and 24 degrees, it loves the light, but not direct sunlight. In summer, it can be placed on the balcony. This plant eliminates formaldehyde and keeps humidity constant.


2. Wax flower (Hoya carnosa)

2. Wax flower (Hoya carnosa)

Hunda/Wikimedia Commons

A perennial, climbing plant with bright green leaves, this plant owes its name to the characteristic white flowers it has. Beautiful, colorful and a little less easy to manage, it needs direct exposure to the sun and temperatures between 19 and 24 degrees. It should often be watered often in the summer, paying attention to avoid stagnant water developing.

3. Aloe vera

3. Aloe vera

Lionsleeps23/Wikimedia Commons

This is an ideal plant for our home: it refreshes and purifies the air, absorbs many toxic substances and produces excellent quality oxygen. Adaptable and robust, it does not require special care. It is sufficient to leave it exposed to light and away from cold temperatures. It needs very little water, especially in winter.

4. Misery grass (Tradescantia fluminescens and T. zebrina)

4. Misery grass (Tradescantia fluminescens and T. zebrina)

Ping an Chang/Wikimedia Commons

This plant is resistant to practically anything: drought, heat, humidity and low light. The leaves can take on many shades of green - some even appear two-tone or violet, which is why they are very suitable for decorating. It develops well between 10 and 22 degrees and due to its ease of cultivation it is a plant suitable for children and those who do not have a green thumb. Water it abundantly twice a week in summer, once in winter.

5. Boston fern (Nephrolentis)

5. Boston fern (Nephrolentis)


This plant is easy to care for and fast to grow if you maintain a good level of humidity, water often and do not expose to direct sunlight. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 20 degrees. An interesting fact: this ancient plant has always been associated with myths and legends, and symbolizes mystery and the unknown.


6. Areca (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

6. Areca (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)


This is a very common and cheap small palm, and it is among the most used in apartments for its depolluting properties, since it removes xylene and formaldehyde. Be careful if you have pets, especially cats: for them it is very toxic. It requires very little care, 1-2 waterings a week only in summer.

7. Chrysanthemum

7. Chrysanthemum

David J. Stang/Wikimedia Commons

The purifying plant par excellence, it eliminates almost all environmental toxins and purifies the air. It needs a soil that is almost always humid - but never soaked - and must not be exposed to direct sunlight. In addition to being useful, this plant is also brings good luck: its name means "golden flower" and in all cultures it is associated with perfection, longevity and happiness.


8. Dieffenbachia

8. Dieffenbachia

Tomáš Kebert & Commons

Among the best known resistant plants, Dieffenbachia has beautiful variegated leaves and is very adaptable to indoor cultivation. It loves the light but not the direct sunlight - the ideal temperature is that of our apartments; it should be watered only when the soil is dry.

Which plants do you grow in your apartment? 
