Is your bathroom windowless? Keep it perfumed throughout the day with these fantastic tips

by Mark Bennett

September 27, 2022

Is your bathroom windowless? Keep it perfumed throughout the day with these fantastic tips

Having a clean bathroom is essential to keep us healthy, but often cleaning does not mean it is properly ventilated and perfumed. If the room is not sufficiently well ventilated, in fact, it could produce humidity which, in turn, can cause mold and bad smells to develop.

So how can we make sure that our bathroom always smells good? Below we reveal 4 healthy and eco-friendly tips that will help you out, even if your bathroom has no windows.


1. Aromatic herbs

Plants with very fragrant leaves or flowers are excellent for use as air fresheners: mint, eucalyptus, lavender, bay leaf, rosemary - all these release a pleasant scent that lasts for a long time. You can make scented bags by inserting these chopped herbs into a breathable fabric bag and placing them in the corners of the bathroom: you will get a very good scent at every entrance!


2. Toilet paper

A very easy way to perfume your windowless bathroom is put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the cardboard cylinder inside your toilet rolls. The cardboard will absorb the oil, gradually releasing its scent and ensuring your bathroom has a very pleasant aroma.

3. Scented pot pourri

Another very effective method to perfume your bathroom is to use scented pot pourri. You can make this with aromatic dry ingredients such as cloves, citrus peels, cinnamon sticks or lavender or rose flowers and put them in breathable bags, which will release the scent; you can also put them in a glass bowl and add an essential oil of your choice.

4. Baking soda

Here is another use of one of the most versatile elements in our kitchens: baking soda. Fill a glass bowl three-quarters full with baking soda, add 15 drops of essential oil of your choice and cover it with a breathable cloth. Your perfume dispenser is now ready to be placed in your bathroom: it will release a pleasant scent for a long time.

One last extra tip: to avoid the persistence of bad smells and to purify the air, you can also use plants: sanseveria or mother-in-law's tongue and spatifillo are the most suitable in these cases, since they do not need lots of light. You will give your bathroom a little vitality and help it stay fragrant for longer!

Which method do you prefer among these listed?
