Clothes stained by dye running in the washing machine? Try to fix the problem using these methods

by Mark Bennett

September 13, 2022

Clothes stained by dye running in the washing machine? Try to fix the problem using these methods

We do the washing every week, and we certainly know the basic rules for the various types of washes. How much to load in, which program to choose, and above all, how to divide the garments to be washed according to the type of fabric but also according to their color. Yet every now and then, we have an annoying moment of inattention that leads to dyes running and staining the load.

Generally, this happens because there is an unwanted intruder in the load of clothes that were washed - perhaps a sock or other small, colored garment that remained hidden among the load of white garments. And even colored clothes or laundry can come out of the appliance with dark streaks from some other garment. So, what can we do?

Depending on the severity and timeliness with which the problem is tackled, there are varying degrees of success possible in eliminating the problem. Read on to find out more:



Acting immediately is always a factor that helps a lot: as soon as you finish washing, if you notice colors have run, start treating the garments immediately and the chances of success will be greater. However, there are situations in which you will need to consider re-dyeing the stained garments.

In severe cases, when the stains are extensive, the washing machine probably still holds traces of the dye as well, so it may be preferable to run a very short cycle on empty to rinse it out completely.

Among the methods to try:

  • A stain remover: if you don't want to waste time and you already have a specific product available, rely on that. Follow the instructions and, with a regular stain, one wash cycle will be more than enough.
  • With white vinegar: pour 230 ml into a basin, add cold water and mix and immerse the damaged garment, rubbing on the affected area and rinsing it off in the mixture several times. Always make sure that it is a fabric that will not damaged by vinegar! First test out on a corner of the garment.
  • With mild bleach, i.e. bleach without chlorine but with hydrogen peroxide. It is always better to protect yourself with gloves, a mask and protective goggles. Heat 230 ml of water, pour in two or three tablespoons of bleach and then add it to the basin of cold water. Soak the garment for 15 minutes (up to a maximum of 30 minutes) and then rinse the garment out well.
  • With hydrogen peroxide: hydrogen peroxide also works as a "bleach", without damaging colored fabrics. You can use it by itself, pouring it directly on the stain and then rubbing it in with a cloth, or mixing it with a little citric acid (one or two teaspoons) in a glass and then using this mixture as described. Let it sit for a while and then rinse out thoroughly (or do another wash cycle).

Do you have an effective way to remedy this washing accident?
