8 everyday things you should avoid or do differently

by Mark Bennett

September 16, 2022

8 everyday things you should avoid or do differently

There are things that we do every day and that we are used to doing in a certain way but which we should review, for reasons of practicality and, in some cases, even for our health. Although it may seem strange to change one's habits, perhaps it can be good to do so, in some cases.

This is a wise attitude that benefits our daily life and in some cases, can prevent problems from arising. So why not try to correct ourselves where we going wrong? Here are some examples of everyday practical mistakes that we make, every day, and unknowingly:

Not everyone knows how to wash their hands properly and taking some precautions that can make a difference. The hands should be scrubbed, with the correct soap or detergent, making the action last for at least 40-60 seconds. And it would be better, once the operation is finished, to turn off the tap with your wrist rather than with your hands. Most of us don't respect these basic rules.


When you cut open a watermelon, you usually divide it in half. On the other hand, to fully enjoy the properties and organoleptic qualities of the fruit, it is advisable to first remove the outer skin, being careful not to remove  the pulp with it and then cut it as you wish.



Not everyone knows that in order not to create problems for the body, one should avoid drinking standing up (and drinking too quickly). The best way to get your body to benefit from water is by sitting down, sipping or drinking slowly.



It is common to try out shades of foundation on your wrists. This is not a correct habit because the inside of the arms, not being exposed to the sun, will always have a lighter color from the face. The ideal, if you can't do it directly on your face, is to try the foundation on your chest or neck.



Take-away containers, especially those that contain oriental food, are made especially for eating from them. Many, today, are even biodegradable and compostable, and are therefore perfectly environmentally friendly. And some of them are specially structured to be opened to become a sort of plate. There is no point in transferring food to other types of dishes to eat this food.


Cotton swabs are misused by most of us. According to doctors and experts, it makes no sense to use them to remove ear wax and, indeed, they can be harmful to the ear itself.

Wooden cutting boards are present in many kitchens. It is a tool that immediately recalls tradition, good food and the joy of eating together. However, using them to cut up some types of food could be counterproductive to one's health, because wood is a material that is absorbant and does not facilitate the elimination of bacteria when washed. In the kitchen, it is preferable to use plastic cutting boards or some other easily sterilizable materials - especially for preparing meat and fish.


And do you know that it is better not to store chocolate in the refrigerator, even when it is very hot? Indeed, if you want to enjoy all the goodness of chocolate and to be sure that it remains in optimal condition, store it in a cool and dry place.

Do you make any of these mistakes without knowing it?
