Grills, stains on the carpet and more: 5 quick and easy tips to clean these from TikTok

by Mark Bennett

August 28, 2022

Grills, stains on the carpet and more: 5 quick and easy tips to clean these from TikTok

Living in our homes, doing our daily activities and maybe even with four-legged friends, always means leaving marks in every room. Walking on the floors, grilling food in the kitchen, washing clothes, using sinks every day and simply having dogs or cats walking on the carpets: these are all situations that generate some form of dirt or mess, and translate into an extra item on the list of household chores to take care of.

However, it is not necessary that we should be discouraged by these duties: we can face them with energy and effective DIY solutions, just like the TikTokker @creative_explained does.

via @creative_explained/TikTok


Cleaning the parquet

Cleaning the parquet


If you have a wooden floor and you need to clean it quickly, and without bothering to vacuum, you can remove all the dirt using a little DIY tip:

  • Sweep all the dirt on the floor into one place, just like you do when sweeping normally.
  • Get a spray-on cleaner (preferably a delicate one with Marseille soap, which will not damage the wood) and a piece of kitchen paper towel.
  • Spray some cleaner around and onto the pile of dirt.
  • Pick everything up with the paper towel: being moistened, this action will be enough to remove every trace of dirt on the floor.


Remove lint

Remove lint


There are various precautions to take to prevent lint and pills from forming on clothing, but the fight against pilling is not always as successful as you would like. This does not mean that you should stop wearing your favorite garment: simply equip yourself with a razor and pass it over the fabric, shaving off all the lint.

Stains in the sinks

Stains in the sinks


When you find streaks of dirt in the sink that you can't remove with a simple detergent, you can resort to a famous DIY tip:

Cut a citrus fruit in half (@creative_explained uses a grapefruit, but a lemon, lime or orange is fine too) and sprinkle it with table salt. Then use it as a scouring pad on the ceramic. Scrub thoroughly and then you just need to rinse off: the sink's surface will be clean and shiny. But be careful not to use salt too often, as it could damage the enamel.

Food encrusted on the grill

Food encrusted on the grill


When using the toaster or some other similar, closeable griller, food frequently burns to it.

Once the cooking is complete, but before the griller cools, turn off the power, sprinkle a little white vinegar or lemon juice directly on the residue, and put a sheet of damp, absorbent paper directly on the grill. Close the griller and let the residual heat act for a couple of minutes, then open it up and use the paper itself (be careful not to burn yourself - wait a bit, if necessary) to remove all the dirt, and the griller's plates will be clean and degreased.

Stains on the carpet

Stains on the carpet


Anyone who has dogs or cats knows that carpets can get stained with urine from time to time, and give off bad smells. For these, and many other stains, a remedy to try is using shaving cream - but of the type without gel and with white foam.

Spray a bit on the stain, and after a couple of minutes, dab it with a piece of paper or a microfiber cloth to remove foam and dirt. You won't have to wash the carpet every time there is a small accident!

See how simple these and other tips are in the video posted by @creative_explained.
