10 ingenious ideas to restore order to your garage

by Mark Bennett

August 20, 2022

10 ingenious ideas to restore order to your garage

It is well known keeping order in a garage is a weak point for many. The garage, for those who have one, is the place where we tend to accumulate those things that we do not frequently need or use, things that are old but we do not want to throw away for sentimental reasons, and piles of tools of all kinds. . However, there is a risk that the situation will get out of hand and you will no longer be able to deal with the mess, ending up unable to find things when you need them.

The methods to keep a garage well organized are numerous and also depends on the space available and the characteristics of the storage containers used. You can rely on specialized shops for practical and quick solutions, or you can resort to recycling and organizing your garage with a little inventiveness and creativity. We suggest some clever solutions below:


Boxes are a classic resource used in any kind of rearrangement activity. In this case, getting some which are hermetically sealed and made from materials resistant to humidity, can help you reorganize your garage properly, with everything in its place. Use adhesive labels to indicate what you have put inside the boxes.


The ubiquitous pallet also becomes a great ally in the garage reorganization chore. For neatly storing hoes, poles, rakes, brooms and similar, it looks ready-made for this purpose.

Elasticated bungee cords with hooks, available in any DIY store, come in very handy for creating a sort of cage in which to store, for example, balls or small objects that ca roll around and get lost easily.

When you have very little space available, you don't need to give up. This is where mezzanines come into play. The metal mesh ones allow you to store almost anything on top of them and, underneath, you can hang under bicycles from them, for example.

To neatly store pliers, screwdrivers and similar tools, you can take advantage of the internal part of a cupboard door.


And to keep large quantities of nails, screws and bolts in order, try making a very simple organizer. Just attach glass or plastic jars to small, sliding / folding wooden boards, so that when you open the container, the lid remains attached to the board and the jar can be screwed back in once the contents have been taken out.

For a more basic organizer, which is no less useful, fix plastic half bottles to the wall with nails and they will be perfect containers for your bits and bobs.


For larger DIY containers, you can take advantage of the plastic containers cut open on one side, as in this example.

If you are a fan of DIY and you need a classically equipped DIY projects wall, get a cork board of the size you need and go wild!


And finally, the classic wooden or metal wall shelves - always super useful and space-saving, and which are a must for the garage or cellar.

In short, even if it seems to you that your garage is a lost cause, remember that there are a lot of easy ways to solve the problem. Just don't lose heart and use your head.
