What is it for? 11 useful and often overlooked details in the design of everyday objects

by Mark Bennett

August 19, 2022

What is it for? 11 useful and often overlooked details in the design of everyday objects

There are objects that we use every day, but of which we don't give much thought to. Sometimes, this simply means that we don't ask ourselves why the design of a certain product was executed in the way it was; at other times, however, it means that we may even be unaware of being able to use a common object in an alternative way.

The lids of the paper cups of many take-away drinks, for example, are objects like this. Another example: why do most toothbrushes have different colored bristles? And what about the warning light that comes on when the fuel tank of a car nears empty, indicating the use of the reserve gas? Read on to find out some fun facts about these, and other items:



Have you ever wondered why toothbrush bristles have different colors? The different lengths and positions of the bristles serve to better reach all the points of the mouth, but what about the colors? It seems that these are used to determin when it is time to change the toothbrush. When the colored bristles start to fade, it is time to change your toothbrush. And, apparently, it makes it easier to see when the bristles are bent and worn.



The button on seat belts is used to make sure that the buckle never slides past a certain point,  ensuring the belt is always easily available, and works at its best. And they can be disassembled and replaced easily with new ones when / if they get damaged.



Tape measures (including tailor's tape measures) usually have a small hole at the top / start of the tape (in the case of retractable tape measures, it is usually located on the retaining plate which is bent at 90° with respect to the tape measure itself): this allows you to hook the tape measure onto screws, nails, pins and similar in order to get a precise measurement.

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Commons Wikimedia

Not everyone uses it, and it is not always clearly visible, but most rear-view mirrors are equipped with a hard tab located at the bottom centre of the mirror. This tab allows one to comfortably adjust the mirror, even while driving (and prevents oily handprints from getting on the mirror). 



Those brushes that run along the sides of the escalators serve to prevent flaps of clothing (or any other objects) from snagging on the sides of the escalator.



We all know that the warning light in the shape of a gas pump indicates that you have entered your reserve and you need to refuel as soon as possible. But have you noticed that there is often a triangular arrow on one of the two sides? This indicates the side of the car where the tank is located!



The plastic lid that covers paper cups for soft drinks bought in fast food joints (or at the supermarket) is not only to prevent the contents from spilling, or to keep a straw centered. If you take it off and turn it upside down, it almost always becomes a perfect coaster and will perfectly fit the bottom of the cup.



Immediately under the handlebars of the shopping trolleys there are iron rings or hoops, which act as an extension of the normal bars. They are used to hook on the handles of bags, allowing us to carry food or fragile objects that we do not want to be crushed inside the trolley itself.



The reason most microwave ovens have doors with glass coved by a tightly woven mesh, is to create a barrier to radiation leaving the cooking chamber.

Tarun /Quora

Tarun /Quora

Plastic bottles never have a flat bottom, especially if they are those that contain carbonated (fizzy) drinks: these, in fact, are filled by pressure and the shape of the bottom (in addition to the thicker plastic) prevents the structure of the container from deforming due to the pressure generated by the gas trapped in the drink.



Metal alloys, such as brass, are best for making handles, as they have antibacterial surfaces, and therefore, are more suitable for being objects that are touched very often but not frequently cleaned and sanitized.

Did you know about any of these features?
