Love handles: 4 exercises to do at home to make them disappear

by Mark Bennett

August 14, 2022

Love handles: 4 exercises to do at home to make them disappear

We call them "love handles": they are an accumulation of fat that is deposited on the hips, just above the hip bone (os coxae), and which is often visible when wearing certain types of trousers or skirts. This happens to everyone, even those who don't seem particularly overweight, but it can be a source of embarrassment and is one of the first imperfections that most people want to get rid of.

To do this, however, it is necessary to have a good attitude and approach to your physical activity routine: it is absolutely possible to eliminate love handles, but you must first burn off the visceral fat, and above all, you must integrate a series of exercises that target the lateral muscles of the torso to speed up the process. Listed below, are some of the exercises you can do:



Side lifts

Take some weights (the weights will increase as you get used to them; it's best to start with light ones, half a kilo is ideal) and position yourself with your legs just apart, and with your arms at your sides. Strengthening the abdominal muscles, begin to slowly raise your arms both at the same time, until your wrists reach shoulder height, exhale and then lower your arms back to your sides slowly.

If it is easier for you, initially you can also do this one arm at a time - the important thing is that you keep your torso very straight.

Jumping Jacks

For this exercise you do not need weights: you start standing, with your legs together (or almost together) and your arms at your sides. From this position, you need to spread your legs in a jump, and at the same time raise your arms to join them together above your head. Return to the starting position again by jumping, and repeat this sequence 10 times.


Dorsal stretches

Begin in a standing position, hold a weight in each hand and bring your arms forward, straight in front of your torso. Lean your torso forward with your back straight and bend and raise your arms at the same time so that your elbows protrude just above your sloping back. Extend your arms again in front of you with slow movements. It is recommended to do at least 3 sets of 20 stretches.

Wood chopping

For this exercise you can use a medicine ball or even a dumbbell that you hold firmly with two hands.

Begin in a standing position, with your legs slightly apart. Hold the ball in your hands in front of you, then lift it (always holding it with both hands) by raising your arms up to the right, with a slight rotation of the torso but without moving the feet. Now you need to make the ball follow a diagonal movement, coming down to the left, reaching the outside of the left knee: in bringing it down with a fluid movement of the whole body, you will, in fact, be doing a squat. Bring the ball back to the top right, rotating with the torso and also a little with the legs - the left heel will lift off the ground, but the toe will not.

Do the same in on the other side, 10 times for each side of the body.

Great work!
