Discover the wonders of 3 beautiful succulents that can withstand extreme heat

It is generally known that succulents - of which the cacti are only one species of a very large family - are plants particularly suited to desert climates. However, this is not always true, and many succulent plants can suffer if continuously exposed to the direct rays of the scorching sun, especially during the hottest periods of the year.
Some succulents, however, are much more resistant than others, and have great decorative features that can enrich any garden, especially rock gardens or those with generally arid climates. Below, we suggest three succulents that you might like if you want plants with these hardy characteristics.
Black Rose (Aeonium arboreum Schwarzkopf)

This is a plant with a breathtaking shape and color, reaches almost one meter in height and resembles a black rose. The very dark leaves of the Aeonium are the ones from which the common name of Black Rose is derived. The stems are brownish gray, and the rosettes of leaves reach a diameter of up to 20 centimeters. In summer, the Aeonium produces cone-shaped yellow flowers.
It loves sunny locations, well draining soil and should only be watered when the soil is completely dry. For those placed in the open ground, then, drip irrigation is recommended (and should not wet the leaves).
Blue Senecio (Senecio mandraliscae)

In this case too, it is the color of the plant that grabs ones attention, as well as the shape. They are like pointed fingers of a silver blue color, covered with a waxy film that protects the plant from extreme heat and drought.
It is a species native to South Africa, and has the particularity of remaining dormant in summer and growing instead in winter. In spring, then, it produces white flowers. Although it is very tolerant to heat, it is best to place Senecio in a place where, at least for a few hours of the day, it is somewhat shielded from the sun.
Parry's agave

Among the most loved of the agaves for decorating gardens, is the Parry agave, with its irresistible geometric shape: all the very fleshy leaves, in fact, form a perfectly symmetrical rosette - so much so, that one of the common names in English for this plant compares it to an artichoke (Artichoke agave).
In addition, the leaves are characterized not only by a beautiful shade of gray-green, but above all, by black thorns at the tips that create a beautiful contrast. This plant reaches a height and width of about 60 cm and can live for over twenty years. However, it only blooms towards the end of its life cycle, and only once, producing a huge stem in the center, which can rise several meters and culminates in clusters of bright yellow flowers, that turn into fruit. This plant puts on a grand show.
Have you ever grown any of these plants in your garden?