Mud and dirt on the door: find out how to clean it quickly and easily

by Mark Bennett

August 10, 2022

Mud and dirt on the door: find out how to clean it quickly and easily

It is nice to take the dogs for a walk, let them play outdoors or in the garden - even if with the first rains, this means having to deal with tracks of muddy paw prints when you return home. And the front door could be the area to suffer, when our furry friends prance all around it. If it is not our pets, it is still possible that soil, dust and dirt in general make a mess outside the front door no matter the season. And this is even more pronounced when the door has glass components which are filthy.

TikTokker Vanesa Amaro could not resist the urge to clean the French doors of a house where she was working at, and in a few minutes, she made the door spotless again.

via @vanesamaro91/TikTok



In Amaro's case, as you can see here in this video, it was a glass door with a wooden frame, all smeared by the paws left by the dog. If you also find yourself with a similar problem, arm yourself with the necessary, and in a few minutes you will put the world back to rights.

Here's what you will need:

  • A basin of hot water;
  • A soft cloth;
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • A slightly abrasive sponge (there are some that can be used without a problem on the glass), or a normal sponge;
  • An alcohol-based product for cleaning windows (DIY ones are fine too).

The procedure is really easy:

  • Dip the sponge into the water, and put a drop of dishwashing liquid onto it.
  • Quickly rub the sponge all over the glass and doorframe. If necessary, rinse, squeeze out the sponge and repeat, adding a little more soap, until most of the dirt has been cleaned off.
  • Throw away the water and fill the bowl again (or keep two at the ready) and rinse thoroughly. You can use an extra cloth, or even the well-washed sponge itself.
  • Spray the glass cleaning product on the glass to finish, and rub it with regular, linear movements. In the video, the woman makes circular movements, but often these leave more visible stains. Glass products evaporate quickly, so act quickly and, in minutes, you will have restored the door to its former splendor.

What is your favorite method for cleaning doors and French windows?
