Use sage to make a perfumed household cleaning spray

by Mark Bennett

July 02, 2022

Use sage to make a perfumed household cleaning spray

Sage: In addition to being used in the kitchen - where it enriches dishes with an unmistakable aroma - this spice is also associated with a series of rituals aimed at promoting relaxation. In fact, small bunches of this aromatic herb are used all over the world and are burned to give off its relaxing smoke; but the ancient remedy of letting bunches of sage leaves naturally dry whilst hanging upside down - a practice followed in various parts of the world - also works.

Furthermore, sage is often added to homemade potpourri mixes: it is also used broken up and put in bags to perfume drawers and wardrobes, and more. And it's even possible to use its smell to make a household spray detergent for use on most surfaces.



The recipe that we bring you in this article is one of those based on vinegar - an ingredient that is a perfect remedy for degreasing surfaces - but which should not be used on surface made of stone (especially those of marble and granite) or wood (or at least, should be used very sparingly on these surfaces).

What is needed:

  • White alcohol vinegar
  • Sage leaves
  • Glass jar with a lid
  • A spray bottle

The quantities used depend on the containers and how much product you want to prepare and use. So, start with small amounts (for example, 250 ml of vinegar and 10 to 15 sage leaves), to see if you really like this homemade remedy.

The procedure is very simple:

  • Place the sage leaves (which are dried) in the jar.
  • Pour in the vinegar, without filling it completely - just over 3/4 of the container will do.
  • Close the jar tightly and shake it up a little.
  • Keep the jar in a sunny spot for at least 7 days (or 14 is even better), and you will see that it will change color (it will be dyed by the spice's leaves).
  • After allowing it to sit for the 7 - 14 days, dilute the mixture (which will now have a strong smell) with water using a ratio of 1: 4. So, for 100 ml of vinegar-sage infusion you will need to use 400 ml of water. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture.
  • You can enhance the spice's aroma by adding sage essential oil.

This procedure is also suitable for adding other perfumes: you can also add lavender to the sage. Or you can use thyme and lemon peels, or cinnamon and orange peels!

You can also add a few drops of liquid dishwashing soap, (or liquid castile soap) for an even more effective degreasing product.

Have you ever prepared such a remedy?
