Good hygiene and cleaning the toilet: help yourself using simple hydrogen peroxide

Cleaning the toilet is one of the least welcome tasks that we have to take care of, so doing this using methods that are really effective and efficient is perhaps the only thing that can compensate for the unpleasantness of the task. In the marketplace, we can find many WC cleaning products, and everyone will have their favorite one, but both for regular cleaning and - above all - for an occasional one that aims to thoroughly sanitize the toilet, you can also resort to some DIY methods based on hydrogen peroxide.
This liquid, in fact, is excellent for disinfecting surfaces - it can remove stains from various materials and has antifungal properties. Read on to find out how to use it for toilet cleaning:

Just sprinkling / spraying hydrogen peroxide aroud the toilet bowl and letting it act for a few minutes before flushing, is a routine operation we can do to keep the bathroom clean and sanitized. And we can do the other cleaning by passing a clean cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide over the other bathroom fixtures and surfaces.
However, if there is a need to eliminate more stubborn spots of dirt, you can resort one of two methods, depending on the "seriousness" of the situation:
- Pour 120 ml of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet while scrubbing with a cleaning brush, in order to distribute the liquid properly. After 30 minutes, you can flush the toilet.
- Sprinkle the inside of the toilet with 30 grams of borax, wet a cleaning brush and distribute the borax in the bowl with this. Then add 230 ml of white vinegar and leave to act for 20 minutes.
In the meantime, use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the other parts of the toilet, including the lid and the external surfaces. You can also use the mixture of borax and water for the inside edge of the toilet, sprinkling it with vinegar.
After the necessary time has elapsed, use the brush to scrub the entire interior, then flush the toilet.
After using the brush (the toilet brush is fine too, of course), do not put it away immediately: it is important to rinse this off well too, using hydrogen peroxide or very hot water and then let it air dry. In fact, one of the points where more bacteria lurk than anywhere else is in the water that drains from the toilet brush into its housing: so to avoid having to clean it every time you use it - pour some bleach diluted with a little water into the toilet brush holder (which, in any case, you will need to clean out often).