A pair of socks to deodorize your shoes: discover this easy and inexpensive technique

by Mark Bennett

June 11, 2022

A pair of socks to deodorize your shoes: discover this easy and inexpensive technique

No one in the world can prevent shoes from giving off bad smells after being used for long walks or intense workouts - and in hot weather, it is even more difficult to prevent shoes which are frequently worn - especially closed shoes - from emitting bad odors. Sometimes you can safely leave them out on a balcony or in an area where they get air and don't bother anyone - but in some cases, it is impossible to avoid having to deal with the bad smells, unless you have a way to treat them.

Among the various tips that can be used to absorb the odor of shoes, there is one that is really within everyone's ability, since there is no need for bags of dried aromatic herbs, essential oils or other products that you may not have at home: in fact, socks and simple cooking ingredients are enough.



Any pair of socks is fine, but perhaps there will be even more satisfaction gained in using old or unmatched ones that were just waiting to be thrown away.

In addition to socks, you will also need baking soda and a normal bar of soap, such as those used for washing one's hands. Alternatively, you can use Marseille soap (in stick form, not the liquid version).

The procedure is really very simple:

  • Fill each sock with baking soda up to three quarters of sock's capacity, leaving enough left to be knotted and closed like a bag. If you use short socks, use laundry tongs or something similar (like pegs) to close them properly.
  • Get some flakes from the bar of soap or Marseille soap (a spoonful for each sock will be enough) and put them in each "bag".
  • Close the socks tightly (put a knot in them) and put them inside the shoes.

As an alternative to baking soda you can also use:

  • Cornstarch
  • Potato starch
  • Fine salt
  • Talcum powder (and in this case you wouldn't even need soap to deodorize)

Have you ever tried this very easy remedy?

PS: Obviously, if by chance you have essential oils with a pleasant scent at home, these are the best solution and can replace the soap flakes - and maybe you could even combine several different oil scents together.
