Do you want to dust less often? Try making a DIY anti-dust spray

Among the various chores to take care of at home, dusting is certainly one of the most annoying, but sometimes it is necessary to do it very often to avoid developing respiratory problems of numerous kinds. In all other cases, it is a fundamental hygiene measure that should not be neglected, and it is normally recommended to dust once a week - at least the surfaces and the busiest areas. But it is also possible to try to delay the next dusting intervention a bit by using a few tips.
One trusty method that really helps some people, is a homemade anti-dust spray made with simple and inexpensive products, which helps prevent dust build-up in your home so you don't have to deal with this chore too often.

- half a liter of water (preferably distilled, but this is not strictly necessary);
- 230 ml of white vinegar;
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil (some substitute a tablespoon of laundry softener instead);
- a drop of dish washing soap (or even Marseille soap, as an alternative)
The vinegar is used to dissolve any built-up deposits of dirt when dusting, the oil is to polish the surface and the soap helps to clean a little better, but very little is needed.
To prepare the product it is quite intuitive: just pour all the ingredients into a spare spray bottle and always shake well before spraying. It is always recommended to spray onto cloths and not directly onto surfaces, unless you need a large amount of product to clean an especially dirty area.
However, be careful not to use the product too often on delicate surfaces on which vinegar could, in the long run, create some sort of undesirable effect: do not use on stone (marble, granite) or even precious and lacquered wood, even though the spray is very diluted.
An extra tip to remember to combat dust is to use the fabric softener dryer sheets (even those that have already been used) as dust-catching cloths - especially on uneven surfaces such as baseboards. Again, you could add two or three drops of a pleasantly scented essential oil to the sray solution (lavendar, for example).
Do you have any favorite anti-dust methods you use in your house?