Do you want to tone your arms and reduce fat? Discover the exercises and habits that can help you

by Mark Bennett

April 22, 2022

Do you want to tone your arms and reduce fat? Discover the exercises and habits that can help you

We all have points on the body that seem more out of shape than the rest, and the passage of time never helps. One area of the body that is often not desired is the fat that accumulates on / under the arm, which then becomes flabby as the years go by. There is nothing strange or unnatural about this phenomenon. Doing constant exercises such as walking, running, cycling and the like, there can be a general improvement in the body, but often without the arms showing any improvement.

To help you sculpt this point of the body as well, it's important to follow a proper diet, keep exercising, and then do some more specific exercises. Read on to find out more:

  • Don't focus only on one point of the body: there are many intensive and targeted workouts, but in the long run they are not advisable. So incorporate adequate walking, running, biking or swimming sessions into your weekly workouts, aiming to tone your entire body.
  • Start lifting weights - there's no need to overdo it with very heavy weights. Even bottles of household detergent might be enough, but it is better to use dumbbells - these at least always have the same weight and are always ready to use.
  • Drink a lot of water: 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day is very important. Do weight lifting exercises to tone the biceps and triceps and also increase your arms' muscle mass.
  • Suitable diet: a diet is the basis of a healthy life, and must be agreed upon with an expert. Generally, it is recommended to consume a lot of fiber, which is great for losing weight and eliminating excess fat; furthermore, one should reduce intake of refined carbohydrates (breakfast cereals, white bread, non-whole wheat pasta are just a few examples) and introduce proteins: meat, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs and cheeses (in quantities to be measured out appropriately).
  • Cardio: You should practice some activity such as jogging, biking, swimming, jumping rope or even dancing for half an hour a day and 150-300 minutes a week.
  • Exercise: Work out your upper body with exercises like chair dips to flex your triceps. Planking and push-ups are also always great and can be done anywhere, even at home.

With half an hour a day of exercise a day and the right habits, you can get a a healthier, in-shape body!
