Lose weight by walking: Did you know it is as effective as running?

Running or walking are cardiovascular aerobic exercises that are always recommended to be integrated into your daily and weekly workout routines: they help to lose and maintain weight, increase physical resistance, improve the immune system, can prevent the occurrence of certain diseases and therefore can improve (and lengthen) life. However, running is not always for everyone for various reasons, and so you could consider replacing jogging with brisk walking.
This exercise is also known as fitwalking and is sometimes also referred to as speed walking or power walking, although in reality there are some differences between these categories: all, however, consist of walking at a brisk pace and high frequency and, if done in the right way, it can give benefits comparable to those of running.

Speed walking: consists of walking at an average speed of at least 4.5 - 4.8 kilometers per hour. The heart rate increases and more calories are burned than when walking at a normal pace.
Power walking: we talk about power walking when the average speed is higher and ranges from 5 to 8 km / hr. For some, it can even go up to 11-16 km / hr! Walking at a speed of 7 km / hr will consume more or less the same number of calories per hour as doing normal jogging for the same time and at the same speed.
It takes a little patience and, above all, consistency to keep up a pace of 5km / hr (or more), and it is therefore necessary to do this gradually, getting used to increasing the pace of your walk little by little: many recommend increasing speed for two minutes and then slowing down.
Practicing speed walking (i.e. the first type of exercise indicated above - the slightly easier one) can certainly improve one's mood and the general well-being of one's body, and even if you are unable to elevate your daily walking into Power walking, you will burn more calories than you do when walking at a normal pace.
You could start with half an hour each time and then gradually increase the time (at least 3 times a week), and it could be a habit that improves the quality of your life!