Do you have very little time to devote to caring for plants? Find out which ones can suit your needs

When choosing a plant to put in the home, all the cultivation conditions that we can guarantee must be taken into account: we need to consider all the variables of the environment in which it will grow - therefore average temperatures, brightness, humidity, etc. These factors will determine our ability to cultivate plants in the environment in question.
If we do not have time or much experience with plants, it is best to try to keep those that require less care, and that can go on for long periods without being watered. Here are some plant species that might be right for you if you are subject to these conditions.

Ivy can live even in long periods of dry heat, environments with dry air, dusty rooms, dark corners, and also withstand cases of prolonged drought. They are a climbing species with beautiful heart-shaped leaves which are even variegated in some cases (coloured), and which can grow on a large variety of climbing supports. They don't like direct sunlight.
As for watering, the fact that they are leathery does not mean that it is possible to forget to water them at all: when temperatures rise in summer (or starting in spring), remember to check the state of the soil at least once a week. When you find it completely dry, then water the ivy. Use pot bases only in spring and summer, and avoid excessive watering of this hardy plant.

There are various types of begonias and some variaties are very easy to find almost everywhere - from the precious Rex to the voluptuous Tuberose. Generally, all begonias love places that are sheltered from direct sunlight, especially in summer in places where temperatures are can get very high.
These plants need very little water, and if you water them well - even in summer - you can water them again up to 10-15 days later (except in periods of exceptional heat, when it is good to check the condition of the soil at least once a week). Always remember to place them in pots with multiple drainage holes and a porous soil that does not all water to stagnate.

Cacti are a very large family of plants of many different types, but all tend to survive in extremely difficult environmental conditions. Although there are varieties that need watering more often than others, cacti typically risk rotting from overwatering. So make sure you only water them when the soil is completely dry.
Place cacti in very sunny environments: some will tolerate places with less light, but their growth will be inhibited and most likely, you will hardly ever see them produce flowers.
Zanzibar Gem

This is a plant that one can - almost - forget about. It can survive even in poorly lit environments and can endure for a long time without water, making it one of the most popular houseplant. It can be placed in poorly lit places and is extremely hardy. It needs a temperature that should not drop below 15 °C (60°F), and if you put it in a bright area or in the sun, it will need to be watered more often. In areas of less sunlight (but not in the dark), it can go on without having to have water for weeks inthe winter and for many days in the summer. You will learn the right moment to water by sticking a finger in the soil: when it is completely dry, it is time to water the plant little.