Tree peonies: 7 useful tips for cultivating this eternal and noble plant

Robust, strong and resilient, with huge flowers full of petals that are a triumph of luxuriant colors that can be admired for a short but glorious period: this is the beauty of peonies, the flowers celebrated in Eastern cultures as a symbol of nobility and refinement. In particular, the arboreal species are the most coveted. These plants grow slowly but can live for hundreds of years.
There are many varieties, often with extremely poetic names, which have their roots in mythology and Chinese literature. If placed in the right spot, they won't need too much care to grow and flourish, but there is always a need to take some steps. Read on to find out more:

- Exposure: these plants love full sunshine, but in moderation. In fact, if you live in a place where it is very hot, it is best to shield the plants during the hottest hours of the day, so as to make flowering period last longer. In particular, it is advisable to plant them at the base of deciduous trees.
- Climate: another important precaution is to keep this plant sheltered from the wind. Once this is provided, the peonies will be able to withstand extreme heat or cold. In fact, it is estimated that they will tolerate temperatures that reach as low as -15°C.
- Soil: Peonies prefer fresh, rich soil, and preferably a neutral pH. However, if your soil is slightly alkaline or slightly acidic, there shouldn't be any major problems, provided that the soil is well-draining.

- Irrigation: they must be watered regularly, always at the base, during periods of drought (about a couple of times a week), when the soil begins to dry out. The bigger they are, the less often they need to be watered.
- Pruning: there is not much that needs to be done here. In fact, only the withered and bare flowers should be removed, always using sharp shears and sterilized blades.
- Fertilizer: a balanced nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizer is generally recommended, to be applied in spring (70 grams per square metre). It is also always advised to mix this with a little compost.

Peonies can also be grown in pots, although cultivation in open ground is best. In the case of pots, choose a plant that is large enough, and remember that any transplanting must be carried out in autumn (or even winter), during the dormant period of the plant.
Have you ever grown peonies at home?