Are the rings/burners on your stove/cooker working poorly? Find out how to unblock and clean them with simple and inexpensive methods

by Mark Bennett

March 21, 2022

Are the rings/burners on your stove/cooker working poorly? Find out how to unblock and clean them with simple and inexpensive methods

In gas cookers (stoves), the burners are always exposed to many possible sources of dirt and grime: food residues that drips from pots and pans and then ends up on the hob, also dripping over the grills and burners themselves (as the pots are moved around during the cooking process). In the long run, this dirt and grime builds up and ends up obstructing and compromising the cooker's operation.

We get realize we have reached this point when we have difficulty in lighting the rings of the cooker. Additionally, we may notice that, even when lit, flames do not come out of all the holes. In these cases, it is good idea to turn everything off and take some time out for a thorough cleaning of the cooker, which can be done in a number of different ways.


For manual cleaning of the cooker, you will need to equip yourself with: a piece of wire (or some other metal) that is very sturdy and a roll of insulating tape.

Disassemble the burners, cut a piece of wire to about 15 or 20 centimeters at the most. Then with insulating tape, wrap one of the ends of the wire but without creating a layer which is too thick. Then slip the end covered with the insulated tape into the holes in the burner, and move it inside the cavity very gently. Try to emove any deposits of dirt and make them come loose and break free. If you do this once a week, or a couple of times a month, you will avoid the stove failing and causing any subsequent damage.

If, on the other hand, you have to degrease and clean the stove thoroughly, you should leave the burners to soak in a solution and let the dirt dissolve in it. For this, you will need:

  • 130 grams of Marseille soap, or potassium yellow soap, or Castile soap. Otherwise, dish washing soap will do.
  • 230 ml of white vinegar
  • (optional) juice of one or two lemons
  • an old toothbrush

1. Boil water in a pan large enough to hold the burners, or boil as much water as the pan will hold to submerge the burners.
2. Pour in the soap while stirring the water to make it dissolve completely.
3. If you want to use a bowl, pour everything into it.
4. Add the white vinegar and lemon juice if you want.
5. Immerse the various parts of the burners to be cleaned in the solution, making sure they are well covered by the liquid. If necessary, increase the amount of water and add the soap and vinegar proportionally.
6. Leave everything to soak for at least 20 minutes.
7. Use the toothbrush and rub it on all stubborn stains; then let the burners soak for another 3-5 minutes.
8. Rinse and dry the burners immediately.

Have you ever tried to use these methods to clean your stove or cooker?
