Using baking soda to clean and deodorize wardrobes: discover these simple and cost-free remedies to use at home

by Mark Bennett

February 28, 2022

Using baking soda to clean and deodorize wardrobes: discover these simple and cost-free remedies to use at home

The wardrobes that hold all our clothes, household linen or even the cupboards in which we keep our dishes are closed spaces which, under certain conditions, become fertile ground for the growth of mold and, as a consequence, the proliferation of bad smells.

In fact, you don't always have time to open the wardrobe doors to air them out, or to expose them to sunlight. Therefore, when we put some material or object inside them that is still a little damp, or when it is the room in which they are found is damp for some reason, even the inside of the furniture can be filled with bad smells and maybe even a little mold. Baking soda can help fight these inconveniences, with simple remedies and at virtually no cost at all.



  • Baking soda can act as a dehumidifier: put it inside cotton or gauze bags, or even inside a simple ceramic, wood or metal bowl and place them on shelves, inside drawers or even hung between clothes. Being a very hygroscopic substance, it will absorb humidity, and when it is sufficiently impregnated it will be time to change it with a fresh dose. The frequency of replacement changes according to the humidity conditions of each cabinet, so check regularly.
  • Baking soda as a deodorant: by adding a little essential oils, any bowl (or bag) of bicarbonate becomes a real perfume diffuser. 2 or 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 3-4 drops of an essential oil of your choice are enough. That of teatree oil is very suitable if you fear the appearance of mold.
  • Use baking soda to clean the inside of the cabinets: if there are no specific stains, but you just want to refresh the cabinet, sprinkle bicarbonate on the shelves and drawers and then wipe off with a cloth or sponge moistened with water, and rubbing gently. For vertical walls, first wet the sponge, squeeze ti out and then sprinkle the sponge with baking soda and rub on the surface including the insides of the doors. Rinse the sponge, and wipe it on the wardrobe as well and then immediately use a soft dry cloth to dry the surfaces as much as possible. Keep the doors and drawers open until the whole cabinet is completely dry, and if necessary, also vacuum if you want to remove any bicarbonate residues that may have remained.

Good job!
