Plastic food containers always greasy? Find out how to degrease them effectively

Food containers are truly indispensable in the home: we use them for all the various types of food in the kitchen, including in the refrigerator, freezer and pantry. But they are also very useful when we transport dishes or ingredients while traveling and similar situations.
They are light, have a good hermetic seal and are not likely to break like those made of glass. Unfortunately, however, they remain do get very dirty: how many times, in fact, do you happen to wash them and, in many cases, notice a film of grease and maybe even some traces of food odor left over? Instead of going back to washing them over and over, it is possible to help yourself with some useful tricks, such as those that we show below:

- With citric acid and sodium percarbonate: for every one liter of water you need to add 1 tablespoon of sodium percarbonate and a level teaspoon of citric acid. It is preferable to use distilled or demineralized water. Heat the water on the stove and then pour it into a basin or sink tub, immerse the containers to be washed and then add the percarbonate and citric acid, stirring a little to make them dissolve well. Leave everything to soak for half an hour and then drain the water, take a sponge with a little dish soap and wash normally, rinsing with hot water.
- If you are not in a hurry, you can also resort to a method to let it act overnight: fill the containers with newspaper, and leave them for the night. In the morning, mix 250 ml of hot water and 60 ml of vinegar plus the juice of one lemon in a jug, remove the newspapers and pour the mixture into the containers. After a couple of hours wash normally.
If stains are your problem instead of greasy dirt, you can try these methods:
- Leave the containers in direct sunlight for a few hours.
- Prepare a paste of baking soda and water, spread it on the stains with the help of a sponge and rinse after 5 or 10 minutes.
- In severe cases, you can also dilute just one tablespoon of bleach in two liters of water, leave the containers immersed and then rinse profusely.
- If nothing can make your containers return to new, it will be necessary to throw them away or repurposed for non-food use.