Do you want a home that always smells fragrant? We reveal some useful tips here

by Mark Bennett

February 10, 2022

Do you want a home that always smells fragrant? We reveal some useful tips here

When we enter a shop, hotel or place that appears clean, tidy and above all is fragrant, we immediately receive a very pleasant impression. At home this sensation is often experienced only immediately after cleaning - but then everyday life and maybe even the smells of the kitchen make the smell of cleanliness disappear rapidly.

With a series of tips, however, it is always possible to appreciate our favorite aromas spread throughout our homes, and making each room more welcoming and pleasant for both us and our guests. Read on to find out more:

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Pixbay, Pxhere

  • Use substances that help absorb bad smells:
    Sodium bicarbonate. Just fill some bowls with baking soda and leave them in several places in the house, changing them once a week. They work even more if you put 3 or 5 drops of an essential oil of your choice to the soda.
    Activated carbon. This is a natural substance that can easily absorb kitchen vapors, so keep bags filled with activated charcoal ready to hang near the places where strong smells come from most often, perhaps near the garbage or even near the stove.
  • Use - or prepare - a potpourri: if you have aromatic plants or flowers in the garden, you can dry the petals and leaves in the oven or even on heated radiators (if you have a dedicated dryer it's even better). You can combine aromatic plant leaves with fragrant petals but also with dried citrus slices, or various spices. And then you can also boost everything with some drops of essential oil.
  • Diffusers. Investing in a pair of essential oil diffusers is a good idea if you like a home that is always scented, and you can also use them with DIY products based on alcohol and herbs or spices or citrus peels.
  • Instead of throwing away squeezed lemons, use them to deodorize: put them in a pot (or other heat-resistant containers, even glass) and place them on a stove or radiator. You can also add essential oils or sprigs of rosemary, mint leaves and other spices. This works when the temperature reached by the stove or heater is high enough, and the liquid starts to simmer.
  • There are also those who use the oven while it is still hot after some cooking, and they put a small bowl in it with a few drops of vanilla extract, so that the heat spreads a smell in the room - that will give the impression of having just baked sweets or cookies.
  • Take some fabric scraps and plait them into a braid, then pour some of your favorite essential oil over them, and hang them on a radiator.
  • Prepare an alcohol-based deodorant spray (food or denatured, but also low-quality smooth vodka will do) and water (preferably distilled) in equal parts or with a ratio of 1:3. Then add 20 or 30 drops of essential oil. Keep everything ready in a spray bottle to spray on curtains or even the upholstery.

Do you have a favorite way to naturally deodorize your home?
