No more dust and streaks on the TV screen: find out how to clean them the right way

In most homes, it is increasingly rare to find televisions or computers with screens that are not flat, ultra-flat or with invisible frames. However, these large surfaces are exposed to dust like any other, and end up getting dirty with streaking, dust and dirty spots. Since these are very delicate objects that cannot be cleaned aggressively, you need to use the right methods to make them shiny as new again, and so you can enjoy sharper and brighter images.
Below we show you some tips and tricks that will help you to clean screens and without causing scratches and streaks.

- Turn off your TV or PC, and wait for a few minutes for it to cool down fully; this also decreases static electricity and will make it easier to remove dust.
- Use soft microfibre cloths, Scottish wool or a flannel: the cloths must be soft and lint free. Always avoid handkerchiefs or absorbent paper, which comes apart; do not use other type of cloths, which will spread the dirt or could scratch the screen. Then dust the surface very gently, without putting any pressure on the screen.
- In the case of specks of dirt, you can use liquid products but be careful to use the right type. Never spray the liquid directly onto the screen - spray only onto the cloth (do not overdo it) and then wipe lightly on the specks of dirt. Do this so you avoid getting any liquid behind the frame. Also avoid using circular cleaning motions, and rather use vertical or horizontal wipes, and without going over the same spot twice. Use distilled water and always keep a second dry cloth to dry any wet spots immediately. In case of stains that are more difficult to remove, you can dissolve a few drops of dish soap in plenty of water (preferably distilled), and use the product only on the dirt spots. You can also use a solution of water and vinegar in equal parts, or in a 1:3 ratio for especially delicate surfaces.
- Some screens (such as LCD or plasma) can be cleaned better with specific products, usually indicated in their instruction manuals. In any case, it is better to avoid any ammonia-based products.
- To clean the frame and the top of the TV, pay close attention to all the points where there are cracks or joints where the liquid could get into; use the liquid very sparingly and only spray it on the cleaning cloths.
In short, have patience and work carefully: these objects are delicate and not worth damaging by cleaning. But with the right attention and care, you can always enjoy clean screens and perfect images!