Postural exercises to do at home: 8 positions that will help your relieve pain and fatigue

by Mark Bennett

April 01, 2024

Postural exercises to do at home: 8 positions that will help your relieve pain and fatigue

Having a well-exercise body and being fit is not only a question of looks, but also of overall health and well-being. Regular exercise, combined with a healthy diet, is the best way to delay the effects of aging, keeping your body supple and resilient. The back, in particular, is affected by doing daily chores and having incorrect posture. This is why we want to share 8 exercises you can do to improve your back posture.

Quick and easy, these exercises can be performed easily at home on your own.


1. Wall angel

1. Wall angel

SB Sports Massage & Rehabilitation L/Youtube screenshot

The back is made up of different areas: upper, middle and lower back. Each of these areas must be exercised and "stretched" to prevent your back from arching under your own weight. The "wall angel" is a position recommended to work on the upper part of the back - the shoulders and shoulder blades, in particular. Performing this exercise very simple:

  • Find a clear spot on a wall in the house and stand with your back against it.
  • Raise your arms and bend our elbows at 90°, with the palms of your hands facing forward.
  • Move your shoulder blades so that your arms open up and your elbows and wrists touch the wall. You will feel immediate muscle-strain relief.
  • Move your arms up and down the wall, keeping them raised, palms out.
  • Do three sets of 8.


2. Leaf/fetal position

2. Leaf/fetal position

Baptist Health/Youtube screenshot

To improve the flexibility of your back and stretch it out, you will need to do a floor exercise. Put down an exercise mat and get on your knees, with our hands resting on the ground and in line with your shoulders.

  • From the position with the four support points aligned - shoulders and hands, knees and hips - move your pelvis backwards until your rump touches the heels of your feet.
  • This motion will help align your back and improve its flexibility.
  • Lower your head so that your forehead touches the floor and relax.

3. Bridge

3. Bridge

Vive Health/Youtube screenshot

The buttocks are also very important when it comes to good posture. This is where the bridge exercise can come in handy.

  • Lie down on the ground and bend your legs so that the heels are perfectly aligned under the knees - keep your feet slightly apart.
  • Extend your arms along your body, with your neck kept flat and your chin pointing towards your chest, preventing your back from arching.
  • Once in this position, raise your pelvis off the floor so that the only support points are you fee and shoulder blades .Hold this pose for at least 15 seconds and then repeat.

4. Cat stretching

4. Cat stretching


The next exercise is sometimes called "cat stretching", as the movements resemble those made by felines.

  • Get down on all fours on the ground. Start by curving your back upwards and lowering your head at the same time.
  • Now, do this stretching in reverse: bring your head up and move your pelvis downward.
  • These two positions should be done sequentially and concentrate on your breathing.
  • This exercise will help release tension in your back.

5. Forward bends with straight legs

5. Forward bends with straight legs

Livinleggings/Youtube screenshot

If you prefer to remain standing, you can do some forward bends to stretch your back. The fundamental thing is to shift your weight forward which will help you to relax your back muscles and your spine.

  • In front of a mirror, position your feet so that they are aligned with your hips - meaning that they will be slightly apart - and begin to slowly "drop" your head downwards.
  • The weight of your head will stretch out your spine as your head moves downward.
  • This position requires your legs be kept straight. However, until you get more flexible, you can bend your legs at the kness a bit to relieve tension.


6. The plank

6. The plank


The plank is a more all-round exercise and serves to strengthen all the muscles of your body: arms, legs, buttocks, shoulders, abdominals - in short, all the muscle groups that help keep your back straight and improve its posture.

  • Place your elbows on the ground so as to form a 90° angle with our shoulders.
  • Stand on your toes and lift your knees from the floor, stretching your legs.
  • The concept is to turn your upraised body into the shape of a plant - elongated and flat.
  • For beginners, hold the plank position for 30 seconds; increase this time as you get fitter.

7. Downward dog

7. Downward dog

Alo Moves - Online Yoga & Fitness/Youtube screenshot

The downward dog position is highly recommended for relieving back pain and improving one's posture.

  • Get on the ground, on all-fours.
  • Place your hands and feet on the ground and raise your pelvis upwards.
  • The idea is to form an A-shape in which our pelvis is the apex of the A, while legs and arms form the two sides.
  • Hold this position for at least 15 seconds and then repeat.


8. Knees to chest

8. Knees to chest

Baptist Health/Youtube screenshot

And finally, there's the position where the knees are brought up to the chest.

  • Lie down on the ground and bring our knees up towards our chest.
  • Once in this position, wrap your arms around your legs and remain in this pose for 15 seconds.
  • This exercise will help relieve back pain and relax the muscles.

Repeating these 8 exercises regularly - perhaps alternating between them - will help you relieve back pain and improve your posture.
