4 simple steps to take to return your closets to a clean, tidy and fragrant condition

by Mark Bennett

March 01, 2024

4 simple steps to take to return your closets to a clean, tidy and fragrant condition

Have you ever found yourself in the situation of opening a closet and just wanting to run away because it's so messy? Well, this happens to the best of us! At times, it almost seems like our closets are alive and are determined to make our lives a misery...

But there is hope! Here are 4 simple, quick steps to take to deal with your "unruly" closets:

First step: empty out and clean

First step: empty out and clean

Emily May/Flickr

Can't find anything you want in the closet wardrobe when you need to get dressed? Well, the time has come to take everything out of it and lay the pile on the bed.

Now, vacuum, dust, disinfect, wash the inside of the closet. Then, allow to dry thoroughly. While it's drying, you can tackle the pile of stuff you took out of it.


Second step: selection of clothes

Second step: selection of clothes

ASR Design Studio/Pexels

Sort through everything you took out of the closet (which will be clothes, for the most part). Select the clothes based on their condition, how often you wear them, if they still fit you (or not... oops)! The aim is to make space by eliminating those garments which are not actually in use.

Once you've got your "to go" pile selected, you can set them aside to be donated, binned or recycled - put these items in a box and take them out of the room. Now you have gained some closet space, don't just rush out and buy a bunch of new outfits!

Third step: sorting by type and color

Third step: sorting by type and color

Max Rahubovskiy/Pexels

Now, divide/sort your garments by type - trousers, shirts, sweaters - and their colors. What's the point of being so precise? Well, this systematization will make it easier to keep everything neat and allow you to find things quicker.

Spending a little time to do this will also mean closet clean-outs (like you are currently doing) will be much easier in the future.

At this point, your clothes have been selected, folded and sorted and just need to go back into the closet.

Fourth step: put things back systematically

Put your things back in the closet in the order in which you sorted them earlier. One "slot" for underwear, one for trousers, one for coats and so on, until every garment has been put back. Once done, take a step back, make any final adjustments and enjoy all your hard work.

A tidy closet is thing of beauty, but remember that it requires a bit of effort to keep it that way over time. That said, if your closets fall into disorder again, you can always revert to using this 4-step remedy.

So, what are you waiting for? Get cracking!
