Fire Ants: how to treat stings and keep this pest away from your home

An ant species native to South America considered to be amongst the most invasive in the world, Solenopsis invicta - also known as the Fire Ant - has spread out around the world: the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, China and Australia have already had to deal with this dangerous "invasion". Recently, fire ants seem to have appeared in Europe: in fact, several fire ant anthills were found in Sicily.
This species of ant is recognizable by its reddish brown color, the unique shape of its anthills and by its characteristic sting, which is very painful for humans. Additionally, fire ants are a threat to animals and negatively impact the environment.
So, how can we deal with, and protect ourselves from, this pest? Read on to find out more:
How to treat a fire ant stings

Oktavianus Mulyadi/Pexels
The danger posed by fire ant stings to humans is due to the extreme irritation caused by the alkaloid poison injected by their toxins. Additionally, fire ants attack in swarms, so getting stung multiple times is a distinct possibility. The sting toxins induce a strong burning feeling, redness and swelling around the area around the sting and the appearance of white blisters which can leave scars and induce an infection.
As soon as you realize you have been stung, you should raise the affected part to reduce swelling and wash it carefully with soap and water to minimize the risk of infection. Use cold water/ice compresses to minimize itching and swelling and apply a cortisone cream to prevent any infection from spreading. If you are allergic to the sting, it is advisable to take antihistamines to avoid a more serious reactions. In the days immediately following the sting, avoid popping and squeezing the blisters as much as possible. Follow up by consulting a doctor.
If you experience sweating, nausea or excessive itching following a sting, contact emergency medical services immediately.
How to eradicate fire ants on your property

The first important step to take is to make your home "unattractive" to fire ants: avoid leaving food out and unattended, regularly and carefully clean your home by washing surfaces with vinegar and seal possible entry points to your home.
However, if you have found a colony of fire ants on your property, it is best to contact a professional to remove the infestation. That said, you can contain the "invasion" with some DIY methods:
- Vinegar and citrus fruit: ants do not like acidic substances and for this reason, spraying vinegar or citrus-based solutions directly on the ants or on their pathways can help reduce the infestation. A very effective remedy consists of making a liquid spray from citrus peels immersed in vinegar;
- Boiling water: pouring boiling water directly on the anthills. This will destabilize the structure and kill many ants. Be care when doing this and remember that this method could also kill off beneficial soil organisms (such as earthworms);
- Dishwashing liquid: another useful remedy is to spray dishwashing liquid onto the anthill. This will adhere to the exoskeleton of the ants, suffocating them and containing the infestation. This method has the same down-side as using boiling water, however;
- Diatomaceous earth: this is a natural powder that gets under the exoskeletons of insects killing them. It is especially useful when sprinkled around potential access points to the home.
With the steps, you can contain this fearsome pest!