Watering plants: how much, and when to do this to promote luxuriant plant growth

Anyone who loves plants, flowers, trees will almost certainly have them in their garden or on the terrace. And in the home, plants add charm and elegance.
Of course, all plants need caring for too, but are you sure you are doing this correctly? Well, read on to find out more:
What is essential?

It goes without saying that water is vital for your plants and that they need constant watering. Usually, for plants in the open, the rain takes care of this need. But what about sheltered plants? When do you need to do this?
First, check the leaves and flowers on your plants. If they are withered and limp, then they probably need watering. You need to check the soil and see if it's moist or dry. If the soil is dry, then your plants need watering.
How much water should plants get? It depends!

The next logical question to ask is "how much water should plants get"? Well, it depends on the plant type and this can be divided into 3 broad categories:
- Location. The first thing to consider is where the plants are located - inside or outside. If plants are exposed to direct sunlight, their water will evaporate away quicker, of course. Plants in the shade will require watering less often. The overall, surrounding climate also plays a fundamental role. The drier the climate, the more often you will have to water your plants.
- Type of plant. The type of plants you have also determines watering frequency. Succulents, for example, do not need a lot of watering as they store water for dry periods. Tropical plants, however, need high levels of humidity and frequent watering.
- Size of the pot. You also need to consider the size of the pot your plant is in: the more soil there is, the slower the moisture will evaporate. Conversely, smaller pots will hold less moisture and will heat up quicker.
How best to water plants?

Towfiqu barbhuiya/Pexels
Watering plants seems like an easy thing to do, but there are some things you need to pay close attention to:
- Topsoil. If the topping soil of a plant is very dry, water it evenly so that the entire surface is moistened. The water needs to be of an adequate quantity to reach the roots.
- Watch out for the leaves. While watering, make sure that water droplets do not end up on the leaves. Wet leaves can over-humidify and turn leaves yellow. Further, sunlight on water droplets could even burn the leaves.
- Drainage. Do not over-water, especially if the pots do not have drainage holes. Over-watering will cause root rot. If you have saucers under your pots, water the plants until you see water pooling in the saucers. At this point, stop watering.
When is it best to water plants?
Morning or evening? The important thing is not to water during the hottest hours of the day, especially in summer. Not only will the water evaporate sooner, there is also a risk that the leaves will burn. It is best to water your plants when the temperatures are cooler.
In short, regular checking and ensuring you don't over-water, will ensure your plants continue to thrive.