Mini-cacti: an irresistibly cute plant, but what's the best way to care for them?

Miniature cacti: they cost very little, they are beautiful and they require very little care. And while they require relatively little attention, they cannot be completely neglected. In fact, many cacti owners inadvertently make mistakes caring for mini-cacti. So, what is the best way to cultivate mini-cacti? Here are some useful tips:
The most common mistakes made when caring for mini-cacti

- The issue of repotting/transplanting: there is one rule that applies when buying mini-cacti - "check if they need to be repotted". Usually, and with lots of non-succulent plants, roots protruding from the bottom of the pot means they need repotting. With cacti, it's a little different: cacti roots tend to "ball up" in a pot and are not readily visible. A cactus with a dense root ball will need to be repotted - ideally, into a pot which is one or two sizes larger.
- Exposure: almost all mini-cacti need good exposure to sunshine. So if you cannot guarantee this, your cacti will suffer.
- Parasites: as soon as you notice small cobwebs or white dots (which look "floury"), you need to act. Remove all these parasites with a toothbrush (or by hand), and then spray your cacti with the proper insecticide (for spider mites, mealybugs and mildew, for example). Administer as directed on the label. You can also dissolve 10 grams of Marseille soap (or soft, yellow potassium soap) in half a liter of water and spray it your cacti. Administer every 2 or 3 days until the parasites disappear.
- Pot holders and saucers: do not leave water to stagnate in the pot holder or base saucer, as this will cause root rot.
Good cactus care

Here are some other tips to take good care of your cacti:
- Watering: succulent plants, and cacti in particular, don't need a lot of water. Water only when the soil is almost completely dry (which can take weeks).
- Soil: use cacti-specific soil, which is lightened with sand, perlite and is very well-draining. Water stagnation must be avoided at all costs.
- Fertilizer: you need to buy a special fertilizer for cacti, and follow the instructions for use on the package. As for adminsitration, it is best to do this in spring or at the beginning of summer (at the latest). Avoid fertilizing during the hottest and coldest times of the year (when these plants are in their dormant phase).
With a little attention, your cacti will stay beautiful!