Stop unpleasant smells emanating from the fridge: easy and effective homemade methods you can use

A fridge typically has open packages of foods or meal leftovers stored inside it. These items are also usually the main cause of strong - not necessarily unpleasant - odors emanating from the appliance. But there can also be a problem with mold producing foul odors, especially if some of the stored food has gone off. So, how can unpleasant/strong odors from the fridge be neutralized? Well, there are several methods you can try:
Unpleasant smells from the refrigerator
If you open the fridge door and get a whiff of an unpleasant smell, you must immediately discover the cause.
In most cases, the "culprit" is some food we have forgotten in a container that has gone off. Since rotten food also produces mold, you need sanitize the fridge as soon as possible.
If the drawers and shelves can be removed, do this and wash these items in the sink in one of ways described below:
- Using a sanitizing detergent (even products with bleach are OK), rinsing the drawers/shelves thoroughly afterwards; or
- With a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar; or
- Using one tablespoon of citric acid dissolved in 300-500 ml of hot water.
In the latter two methods, soak the items in the solution for 15-20 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly.
If, however, you cannot remove the drawers/shelves, you can put one of the above liquids into a spray bottle and spray a cloth or sponge with it. Then, wipe down the surfaces of the fridge with the sponge/cloth. Then, use another cloth to rinse wipe down and dry off.
Anti-odor remedies for the fridge

Paul Simpson/
One of the most effective natural remedies to prevant odors developing in the fridge is to use activated charcoal. Pour two full cups into an open bowl and place it in the bottom of the fridge - not in the coldest, covered compartment, but on the lowest, open shelf. This natural substance is extremely porous, so it will absorb and retain the molecules responsible for causing unpleasant/strong odors. This also works to eliminate excess moisture, which causes mold to grow. Check the charcoal periodically, and as soon as it has become moist, replace it with a fresh, dry batch.
Tip: if you want to avoid throwing away used charcoal, spread it out on a baking tray in an even layer, and leave it in the sun for a day. This will "renew" the charcoal, and you can use it again for the some purpose.
Other remedies to combat unpleasant odors from the fridge are:
- A bowl of baking soda
- A cup with dry coffee grounds
- A cup of rock salt
In all the above,as soon as you notice that they have become soaked with humidity, replace them (the baking soda and salt will need to be thrown away; the coffee grounds can go onto your compost heap).
These are low-cost remedies, but will keep your fridge in tip-top condition.